A bit warm here today - just peaked at 43.2C (109.8F) at 1.45pm

The engineer in me finds that one hilarious

I think I'll stay in bed. Yuk. :Sp

I am also going to stay in bed!

Tonight’s forecast…

Yeah, but it's supposed to be cold in Canadia. I could throw a rock and land it in the Gulf of Mexico! High temp of 27*F?? Old houses down here don't have insulation!

Sure ..The light works ....but the car doesn't .

High here tomarrow is going to be 7 F high and -16F low ... -15C high / -26C low

Can you Canadians remember to shut the refrigerator door please..?

Old houses in Canada also have no insulation, they just have larger furnaces and high heating bills (very high)

US getting a bit cold in next couple of days?

How much hassle do you expect comparing to "average day"?

Will there be blackouts due to increased consumption?

It was so cold that the thermometer knocked on the back door. It wanted to come inside.

Crazy weather!!!

What it “Was”, what it “Is” and what is coming!!!

54F[12.22C] at 5 am, 42F[5.55C] at 10 am and “0”F[–17.77C] to –5F[–20.55C] tonight w/ chill factors between –10F[–23.33C] and –20F[–28.88C]!!!

Balmy compared to Minnesota and the upper Mid West and many parts of Canada!!!

sunny and 74 degrees here most of the week. Wife and I went boating off the coast of San Diego and a big one surfaced about 30 yards away from me.

A friend of mine just paid over $800 for a new perth… I didn’t have the heart to tell her it is a butt-ugly perth… why in the ^&#$@# would anybody spend $800 for a freakin’ perth…

Them’s good eatin’ …

You’d have to be a big guy to make a meal of one of them.

When I woke up this AM it was 45*F in my bedroom, with ice on the inside of the windows. Turned the electric heater up from 50% to 100%, it's now warmed up to 46* an hour later (11*F outside). I should just get back in bed.

Or build a campfire.

it was 50 F here yesterday, today its 4 F and windy

at my mother inlaws house in MN they are having –60F wind chills

it was 50f with lots of rain yesterday, now its 14f. my commute to work involved rain, fog, slush and ice on the roads, and lots and lots of standing water on the roads. there was at least a dozen spots with over a foot of water, and a few of those I would say were over 2' deep.

needless to say, didnt want to find out the hard way that the roads were total crap this morning, so i shut my alarm off and called in a vacation day... guess the roads were perfectly clear. what a waste of a vacation day lol

not a complete loss though, my stomach has been in knots and i just havent been feeling right since about new years, and when i woke up this morning it felt like someone filled my nose with elmers glue. this weathers f'n with my system i think

were you always from Hawaii? for some reason i thought you were from Virginia

This morning (40 minutes north of Toronto):

Windchill on top of that too. Been a cool winter so far :slight_smile:

You must be kidding. 43.2C is not just a bit warm. It’s scorching hot.