Okay you play the Doctor and i will be the patient now all as we need is the nurse lol
I treat anything i order from china as a probability situation. if you get it , high probability, you are happy with a great deal and did not mind the wait. if you do not get it, bottom line in most cases that is the risk you take. as sawmaster states, if it is important, insure it otherwise take your chances. of course, with advancing age, my memory is not what it used to be so for most of the smaller items i order, it is a pleasant surprise when the package arrives! surprisingly enough, to my knowledge i have never lost a package, some have taken a longggg time but eventually arrive.
All I know is….if I finally get an item that was replaced due to lost in shipment, and I say nothing…the Karma boogie man will get me every time.
One way or another. I’ve notified shippers that the item was received after refund and offered to re pay. Have yet to double receive any items.
That said….my only gripe is when I order from GearBest and can never even get a valid tracking number. :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming:
Even if I create a ticket and politely ask for one. I just get nonsense back….like “please wait”…weeks later……still nothing.
That’s happened a lot lately after a string of stellar shipments….now a string of excuses instead of a valid tracking numbers. Grrrrr.
I think they recently hired Woo Flung Poo to run their shipping dept. Previously they had been great.
Still overall I like GB.
Heheh the topic title says so much.
I had a GB order with two knifes, one a titanium coated colorful folder and I received only one of the two, the colorful was not in.
I ordered it again.
And after a few weeks not in and I ordered it again with the same with a partial serrated blade.
Gearbest said I could be refunded bit I had not replied to that
Today I find 3 envelopes in the mailbox with 4 nicely colored knifes
Patience is a virtue
Yeah, Canada post sucks. I was on the preorder group for the S41S, and when I finally got mine several weeks after others had, it was defective, like many of them were. I asked for and was shipped a replacement head early November/late October, it arrived 2 days ago. There was a plush doll I ordered from Japan VIA Amazon around the same time, still has not shown up. An order placed with Simon mid November is still MIA.
These and countless others have taught me that the price for ordering things overseas is list price + 2-3 months of waiting. On top of that, my delivery driver never actually fings the bell, just hangs the “Oh no-one was home” door hanger on the knob and leaves, meaning I have to wait another 1-2 days for it to be returned to the mailing centre, and then I have to drive to pick it up.
Up until the end of last year, I was getting items from China to Canada in 3-4 weeks, sometimes even a bit less. Suddenly, around the holidays (and continuing even now), the shipping time went up 3x as long. What’s up with that? Did Canada Post suddenly decide to delay all Chinese parcels?
I noticed that too, but not just Chinese parcels. My S2+ Triple pill I ordered from Russia also took forever, to the point where the seller was messaging me to see if it had arrived.
Good post and well said ’Tumbleweed48’!!! . :+1:
+1 and I totally agree ‘DavidEF’.
While I realize sometimes there are legitimate claims and problems that do need to be addressed… I’m betting these are the exception instead of the rule.
Some of the ranting, raving, and whining I have read by a few about slow delivery times is just downright comical to read too. It seems some think “free shipping” should arrive in less than a week. Good luck with that.
I mean give me a break…. it is coming from half way around the world if you are here in the USA.
IF you want it quick, pay the premium price to have it quick. Then, IF you don’t get it quick; you have something to really complain about.
Just my .07…….
Ya get what ya pay for…
For shipping to Canada, paying premium doesn’t seem to matter anymore. Once it hits here, it sits in customs and/or Canada Post for weeks. All you get with premium is faster shipping out of China. That might mean you get your package in 9 weeks instead of 10 weeks. Doesn’t seem worth it.
See post above….
Paying for premium shipping apparently is no guarantee you won’t still get Mail Innovations…(aka…slowboat from China)
I agree guys, my bad; I did not make myself clear. I was referring to those blaming those real issues on the shipper…GB, BG, etc.
Sorry for being unclear… :person_facepalming:
They can only be blamed if they take a hot minute and 59 more to post the item in the mail. That was the case for one Gearbest purchase of an Olight S30 on sale, on the off season at that so there was no traffic jamming the post, and it still took them a month and a half to get that thing on the mail, or at least to send me the order confirmation e-mail with the tracking code.
But I’m not gonna turn this into a “let’s wee on Gearbest” thread, most of all because I wholeheartedly agree with the OP. Once it’s on the mail, there’s no blaming the store; the most you can do is don your trenchcoat, and stakeout 17TRACK like a professional gumshoe.
On Sunday Feb 26th at 8 pm, I placed an order for four flashlights from Gearbest. I paid for the insurance and the expedited shipping and clicked the “Dispatch my order faster” button on the order page. The package was picked up by the shipper hours later, arrived at customs in Cincinnati, Ohio then arrived at my front door at 2 pm today…Friday March 3rd. If you throw out Sunday because of the 8 pm order time and figure 1/2 day on Friday, that’s like four and a half days! I’ve had domestic take longer than that!
>click< >click< >click< and stuff from China arrives on my door step four days later…wow! I didn’t have time to get impatient, though the tracking process stopped giving specific updates after it was dropped off at the delivery hub in Minneapolis…no matter.
It was fun to watch my package move through the system, and Gearbest had a picture of the package on the order page…ha!
I’m sure there are many tales of shipping disasters, but this one was as flawless and as timely as it gets.
My lights (so far):
ThorFire PF01S
Manker e11
Manker u11
Manker u21
On the Road m3
Rofis TR20
Noctigon Meteor m43
Welcome to BLF! Nice that you got so lucky.
I always contact the seller when a package hasen’t gotten to me with in the time limit.
Then I let the seller know that I give him/her 2 more weeks before I want a refund.
When I get a refund I give the seller 5 stars and say something like “honest seller gave me a refund, when package did not arrive”
But even when I get the package 3 months later I will contact the seller and refund his refund.
I love buying on Ebay, together with Paypal’s money back protection it is the best online buying experience I ever had.
From over 250 packages only 2 did never arrive and I got those refunded.
Just remember that there is always a human on the other side trying to make a living and 98% are good honest people.
I tried that once on Amazon, sent an email reply to an email thread I got into about a “lost” item that came in like 3mos later. No one ever replied to that, and it had all the order info available (order number, CC, etc.).
Nothing was ever charged to the card after that, nothing.
All you can do is try.
Maaaaaah. After a while, I figure they write it off, and wouldn’t be interested in the paperwork or whatever’s involved to get back the 10bux or whatnot.
I have has stuff in limbo for 4 months before i finally received it. Lately its been really bad with items from China, as many orders i placed in December & early Jan have not arrived yet. Most packages have to do a few rounds of the solar system before coming back to earth.