A Public Thank You to Pulsar, Old_Lumens, and Gords

Because lots of you may not see the thread where it all went down, I’d just like to say a BIG “Thank You” to the conspirator’s Pulsar, Old-Lumens, and Gords1001. It’s a long story and if you are really interested, you can see the original thread for yourselves.

Suffice it to say that that I was pleasantly surprised to find the O-L modified Maglite that was the prize in Pulsar’s GAW and was alleged to be on the way to Gords showed up at my house today.

Very sneaky boys.

Of course I love the light. Not just for what it is and the work involved to make it something special, but because I will never be able to look at it without being reminded that BLF is a place filled with great folks with differing viewpoints and sensibilities that somehow almost always comes together in some inexplicable way to make this a community without equal.

I honestly cannot be more grateful to the conspirators for the light and all the rest of you for the fun.

Glad you got the light Cone! :D It was obvious you really wanted it. ;)

Scaru, my friend, can you blame me? Everyone one who entered, and lots who didn’t, wanted it. :nerd_face:

your welcome. it had to go where the numbers told me to send it, or else the flashlight equilibrium would have been knocked out of whack :wink:

Ah, all I did was run interference. You won it fair and square buddy. :slight_smile:

Haha awesome stuff

I guarantee the first thing Cone said when he saw the light was “you B**#***%~#s!”

Lol, congrats Cone :smiley:

im hoping :stuck_out_tongue:

This is awesome guys!! Yet another example why BLF is such a great place.

Ya, and the second thing I said was, “No Honey, I did not buy another flashlight.” You guys almost got me grounded.

Like I said, I already had your address.Laughing Glad you got it safe and sound.

i should have had a note included that said “Mr. Cone did not buy this light. But… Check your recipe bookmark folder for strange activities” :bigsmile:

Wow…just tuned in on this story. Won it…gave it up….came back to ya anyways….so Cone, it surely and justly belongs to YOU…!! A righteous story indeed. :bigsmile:

Nice gesture guys. Well done.

HAHAHA! She still hasn’t found those cat recipes.

Funnier still is the fact that Old-Lumens has become somewhat infamous at the Cone compound. A PP transfer and a couple of packages have convince my bride that O-L is the baddest of all you bad influences.