Thanks all. I’ll search gravity knife then. The one and only ganzo knife I purchased acted this way also. I forget if it was because I loosened the screw or I got a defective knife, none the less, I liked that it was a gravity type knife. But I forget what model ganzo that was, and I’ve lost the knife now also.

So does all ganzo’s act this way?

It’s not a loose pivot or defective knife.
In my experience, most low cost knives can be opened that way with the pivot tightened properly so you don’t have blade play.
Of course, if you over tighten the pivot, then it won’t but the knife will also be really hard to open via its regular method.
I can open all my Ganzos and Enlan that way and none have blade play. Some require a bit more force in the wrist, some a bit less.

Honestly I have never heared about a knive, that is intenionally build and constructed to get opened just by a wrist flick.
So maybe there will be something more to learn here. :student:
As far as I know, a knife that is possible to open in this way, is an indication for a considerably weak detent ball, or some kind of signifcant super heavy overbuild monster blade……, or even most likely a somewhat tiny mixture of both factors. :innocent: :slight_smile:

The only knife I own, that, since it jumps out of the box, was and still is completely (!) to open very easily just by a “normal little wrist flick”,
is the 8 oz. heavyweight Ganzo G722.

When holding them in locked position, at my Ganzo G717 the blade is to loosen with a quite tough swing down of the forearm and completely to open only with a really strong swing of the full arm, and the maximum to get out of the Ganzo G704, was even a loosen blade.
At all of my other, mostly liner locked, Ganzo, Enlan and Sanrenmu knifes, to stay in very low priced section, no matter what you flick or swing and how strong you do it, absoluely nothing happened, but you might risk some muscle strains. :wink:

Sure that the knife your friend lost, wasn’t maybe an axis lock type, cause with a decent lock build quality nearly all of these, even the small ones, can be opened with a really tiny wrist flick, by holding / grabbing it in delocked position?

With a little training I can open my Ganzo 7533CF with a wrist flick.
With other Axis lock knives that worked for me, too.

Oh and of course any button lock knife like the Real Steel Griffin, just push the putton and shake out the blade.

My colleague sometimes likes to show off his wrist action and flings open knives without the flipper/thumbstud. The circular motion looks really cool and fancy, but I’m just afraid if his fingers slip, the steel and G10 construction will fly at the glass wall and end up on the concrete ground 7 floors below.

Schrade 401L sold out on Amazon!

They must be wondering where did all these sales come from :smiley:

I wouldn’t worry about the concrete.
But I would worry about any soft target in the thrown knife’s way…

A new review, the sister of the 710/7010, the Sanrenmu 733/7033.

The same for me, too much money for it.
Thank you anyway :+1:

I’m not sure if this has been posted before but I don’t see it in the past few pages. Food for thought if your knife is intended for defense/retention.

Review and cutting tests VS a multipurpose folder knife!.

nice you took the time to make a review of such a thing :wink:

Where did you bought it? Mine from gearbest if of a far better quality with double row saw and straight edges. But its still a gadget that is not really useful, apart from the bottle opener.

It’s a very sold multi tool, well it’s the moment of test it and give my opinion. :smiley:
Not always are Ganzos, Enlans, Sanrenmus and so!

That is from gearbest, in a offer, less than 1$ time ago. May be the actual is better, who knows…

I have this as well.
While most of the tools in this are not really useful due to low quality and price, the bottle opener is fine and the pointy edge on the “knife” (the can opener I guess) can be made sharp enough to open boxes (not really to cut them). Worth the $1 I paid for, if nothing else, to sit on my desk at work and open the occasional box that comes.
I would also mention that my “saw”, while no swiss army saw, is not as bad as yours though.

Yes, the bottle opener is the less hurting tool of the card for the way you get the card. My saw is horrible yes, wide steps unsharpened, it is :person_facepalming:

With my thumb and index finger on both sides of the axis lock, I can flip open (and close) my ebony G7452 with virtually no wrist flip. It’s kinda cool… Except I closed it on my pinky and man, that blade is sharp! Nothing horrendous, but remember to keep your pinky on the bottom of the clip so it stays out of the way.

Does anybody have any experience with the knivegg tusk? I’m looking for a cheap, inoffensive, small fixed blade for work… Preferably with a leather sheath but not critical

This made me chuckle :slight_smile:
So many knife have “drawn blood” or well gave me tiny cuts :slight_smile: