Soldering iron might work but I’d try a less invasive method first.

Put the knife into a cup of hot water (right after boiling) and wait a minute, it worked for me with every single knife,
even Ganzos and my Real Steel Griffin (Only opened that one to see the mechansism :wink: )

Be careful not to burn your hands while opening the screw and press in the screwdriver while driving.

Thanks guys.
I’ll give boiling water a try first.
I can vouch for the hardness of the screws, it took A LOT of force to strip them (good) but I still can’t get over the strength of the thread locker that these guys have put on (bad).
At first, I though that maybe I was spinning the wrong side, like some Ganzos that have a star on both sides but only one spins and the other locks the pivot in place, but on this one, there’s only one star on one side so that’s the only way it is supposed to be screwed.

Got a y-start Jin02 on the way anybody have one? Thoughts?

It’s a very good deal considering it comes with ball bearings. After applying some lubricant to the pivot it got silky smooth.
Have a look at my review.

Nice think I have seen some of your reviews before on ganzo knives before I joined the forum. It was between the y-start and the 7531.Sounds like a made a good choice

Oh, I just got my Y-Start today in the mail. It’s a really nice looking knife. Now I’m kind of torn between carrying it over the (cheap-G10) Kwaiken clone I got last week (which I really like as also).

I didn’t realize the Jin02 had bearings in it — glad you mentioned — It didn’t seem any smoother opening than the Ganzos. Guess I’ll lube it up and see if it gets better. I got the tan colored one.

Picked up a Ganzo G7533 CF and a Y-Start JIN-02.

Originally bought the Ystart from Gearbest. After two weeks I inquired why it hadn’t shipped yet since it always said in stock. They sent back a message saying they couldn’t ship it to the US, and refunded my money. Don’t understand why, especially since I’ve ordered several from GB in the past. Ordered it from Fasttech and it arrived in 8 days.

RobertB which do you prefer?

I really like the Y-Start better, only because it’s more practical for me, being smaller. Both are very smooth opening and closing. I probably will never use the Ganzo only because the black blade will look like hell after a few camping trips. Should have bought the stonewashed version (G7531 CF). Still may do that.

Worried about gearbest now. Hope they ship it.

Just keep an eye on the progress. I totally forgot about it, and they never said anything until I asked what was going on two weeks later. Although a dollar or two more, Fasttech ships fast, and well worth the extra. I bought two of the carbon fiber Ganzos, one to gift, but they came from DHgate and arrived fairly quickly too.

Keep in mind, Chinese New Year holiday starts January 27th and goes through Feb 2nd. The entire country shuts down, so orders pile up and it takes them a few weeks to get caught up.

Well, it wasn’t an easy task but I was able to do it.
I had to do it in multiple steps.
I first cut a slot, trying to not go too deep in order to not crack the screw but it wasn’t enough for the screw driver to grab properly.
Then, being ready to loose the knife, I went deeper to where the flat screwdriver would grab.
Then tried the boiling water, left it for 2 min, tried to unscrew but was only able to undo 1/2 a turn.
Repeated this step 2 or 3 times until the pivot finally came out.

I’m still blown away that knife manufacturers actually use such a strong thread locker as it still took all my strength to be able to remove this pivot even that way.
Although they ignored my first email from a few days back, I’m gonna try to contact Real Steel again and see if they can send me a new pivot.
Thanks guys for your help.

Glad you got out that screw.

I got lucky with my Griffin but I’ve had some experience with stripped screw heads so the hot water works best for me.
Those big headed screws with the small Torx slots look very good but appearantly a bigger Torx star would be better when it’s about removing a screw.

Anyways, I hope you can get a replacement screw from RSK, it would be interesting to hear if they offer that service (their knives are at the higher end of original Chinese knives, so I guess it’s possible).

How do you like that H6 by the way?

Anyone have experience with this Budget knife?

I know it’s super cheap but looks nice with the wood handle.
I have plenty of Ganzos, Elans, etc. this one is not to rpelace them, just looking for a beater.

Other than this ridiculous thread lock, I think the H6-S1 is a fine knife. I haven’t used it much yet but so far, I like it quite a bit.
It’s 85mm blade, thin profile and light weight makes it for a very good EDC.
I like the blade shape a lot, good shape for multiple uses and a good slicer.
The action is very smooth as well, not smooth as in free falling like the Griffin but smooth in the sense that you need to push to close the blade but there is no grittiness to the action if you can make sense of what I mean.
The choice of washers was also interesting.
There are 2 washers per side, 1 black that seems to be made of some kind of plastic, and one phosphor Bronze that has some holes in it as if it was meant to have ball bearings in the middle.

Many Ganzo knives have one metal/one plastic washer, the holes in the metal washer are meant to keep more lubricant.

Anybody tried one of these?

If it’s the same as the SRM 910 Plus then it should offer ball bearings, too.
Hmm, price seems reasonable and it doesn’t come with CR branding, maybe a good try for a poor man’s Sebenza…

Update* if you order a y-start jin02 from gearbest to be shipped to the U.S. Use Netherlands Post Registered. Got that sorted and its in route.

I know the fight with that. The only thing that works for me on two ganzo screws locked was all night in a nail polish remover.

Good to know about the nail polish remover, thanks.

Thats how mine was supposed to ship. Actually didn’t have a choice other than expensive DHL. Maybe they got their shipping sorted out from a few weeks ago. Yesterday on Reddit, they announce they are starting to ship batteries to the US again.

For the few extra dollars It was worth ordering from Fasttech and having the knife in my hand 8 days later