Is the Neon the newer version that got introduced a couple of months ago for $60 or so?
Would you say it’s worth its price?

I’ve been looking at the Neon as well (can’t decide between Neon or Icebreaker — I would like a Neon-sized Icebreaker). It seems once you get into around the $50USD and over territory you can get into the some titanium handles.

I got weak last night and caved into ordering an ADV Mini Butcher clone. Looking at all the recent reviews, it looks like such a nice, unique knife.

Yes its the latest clone. Wonderful quality and very light but the anodizing is not perfect and the knife might be too small for 4 fingers if you large hands.


What’s wrong with the anodising?

Sorry to interrupt the flow of conversation here, but just discovered an “oldie” Sanrenmu AO-HO2.

Was wondering about any experiences, opinions and criticisms?

The color is not totally uniform and there is scratches. Maybe it was not cleaned before the anodization (the knife came dipped in oil). But its not terrible, and this the only ‘’issue’’ of this great knife.

The Cima clone is of very bad quality. The Moras are far better and cheaper!

Well, as they say in the video, you normally don’t abuse knives like this, so for the price it’s not that bad :slight_smile:
(we can see many other youtube reviews where much pricier knives are broken with less abuse)

also my opinion.
I’ve owned 2 Izulas and 1 Esee4. I did not abuse them as much, but the best thing they had going for them in my experience were the colors (love the venom green series) and the lifetime warranty.

Has anyone some experiences with the more expensive (~80€) Sebenza clones? I’ve been meaning to replace my Sanrenmu 7073 with something even nicer without freaking out anyone in the lab.
And I’m not willing to pay +150€, let alone 450€.

Also, the Terävä Jääkäripuukko (when in stock :stuck_out_tongue: )

I have 2 fake CRK (large Sebenza & Umnumzaan) that cost around 50$ each and they are flawless in every aspect, incredible knives!

My CIMA seems to be very good quality. Holds and edge reasonably well, and built like a tank. But then again, I don’t try to chop bricks in half with it like the two comedians in the video. The Mora is a much different knife in so many ways, which I like too.

+1111 etc etc

Also steel quality? I know there is no way to find out whether that “M390” or “D2” is properly treated M390 or D2, but what are your experiences consindering the steel? will it hold the edge?
I don’t mind grinding it every few months no matter how hard, but I would mind it losing its edge after a few uses.
Can you give me a link to you seller? I was consindering getting one from the aforementioned Jufule from AE.

The steel was advertised as D2 and in my experience it is a very decent steel whatever it is.
This is the store where I bought them from;

I’d be interested in info on a budget butterfly knife too if anyone has some suggestions…

Fasttech is selling a mtech butterfly for about 11$. The reviews seems good but i have not one. It is not easy find a butterfly budget with real edge. I would test with the mtech from fasttech.

Ganzo makes the 7582 auto, and several others.

I know this is an old knife, but newly discovered for me. SANRENMU AO-HO2

I’ve taken in interest in classic and new lockbacks recently, and was intrigued that one of my favorite budget brands has a lockback. After viewing the pictures and descriptions, was also intrigued that this one had a “fileworked” looking full backspring in bronzeish color (contrasting nicely with the matte brushed steel body) and not-bad-looking orange swirl plastic scales.

Received it yesterday, inspected it and into my pocket it went! Centered blade, no blade movement when deployed, decent machining with bevelled edges - no hotspots, good edge grinds (but needs sharpening), great 3-fingered grip for my hand and quite attractive, non-threatening when viewed by others.

Keeper all the way!