moving on.
for the body i will use plywood\polycarbonate\plywood sandwich, 3\8 1\4 3\8. bonded with gorilla glue.
i will install aux leds inside the body, clear middle layer will work as a lens, somewhat.
those aux leds are, xpg, and 5mm deep red led.
red led on top, and white led in the back will be installed, it will be part of heat control sys. when aluminum close to stars gets to 75c thermal switch will trigger a relay to switch over power from driver, to AUX leds, xpe will emit light from back of the body, it will not be regulated, just a resistor, to drop current to 80-50ma, it will make enough light to see where you going, and what is 10-15 feet around you, in case the light overheats in a middle of the forest, or cave, or anywhere dark. the red will be inside the body, and iti will show that head is hot, and heat management sys shut power off. after temp of the head drops 10c it will turn main lads on, and shut off aux leds.
besides leds in the head and inside the body, there will be red led on the side of the light, there will be no optic, i want red to be as floody as possible, it will be bare led covered with frosted on one side, polycarbonate.
i will use 6 position rotary switch, 3 positions will be not used, it will be “off” positions, other 3 are spotlight(t5 5000k, wide light, 90+ cri 2700k and red.
driver that i build before, in the thread, will be powered by 2 parallel 18650.
i will charge those cells inside the light, for that i will have 2 ports outside, 1 will be an acorn nut, other will be piece of diamond plate that will also be used as a heatsink for the driver. the nut(positive end), will be wired with, 2A reed switch, contact will only be live when reed switch closes, and it will happen only when the light will be properly seated in its charging cradle. the cradle will also have 2 springs that will press against outside charging points of the light, it will also have charger build into the cradle, with battery voltage indicator.

these are the sides.

now after some work with jigsaw, holes saw, dremel and drill,

now, the driver needs to sit in one of those sides glued to the heatsink plate.

this is side, red emitter, base is made of same piece of angle that the head heatsnink, 2 m2,5 threads, and 6 6-32 threads, blue peice is a polycarbonate, red led will be driven by 350ma, that piece of aluminum imo enough to dissipate 1W.

wood parts are ready for finishing

3 coats of this 3 hours apart, and 3 days of drying time after.

ok drying is done, time to put everything together.

now the driver gets glued to the diamond plate, and relay next to it,

now the main part, that holds everything together.

2 aux leds, their resistors, and reed switch get installed into the body.
this is the back led.

now the switch

putting all together

the light is ready now.

the head is mounted so as much area exposed to air, here we see 3\16 spacers between the body, and side of the head.

everything holds together by 1\4 20 nuts and bolts.
now all i have left is cradle\charger and beam shots.
made some minor changes to the light, i added another switch, that activates relay, so back light, and red light on top can be turned on at any time, not just when it overheats, heat management sys is still working, it has not been affected. now i have low light mode in the light.
i used small push button switch, and had to “borrow” a switch guard from toner, it basically a nut in a form of a cup.

this is how it looks turned on,

it is pbly no more than 25-30 lumens, of white light there.