Amazon Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

Yeah, I got one too. I need to do further testing. I tried to follow the instructions and drain it to zero… then charge fully. It was strange. I charged a bunch of lights, including some 3 and 4 cell soda can lights. I looked at it at one point and it was at 50%. Maybe an hour later it was at 1%. The display was flashing and I couldn’t get it to zero. SO I charged it up at about 18 watts. The claim is it would take 16 hours. It was full in about 10 hours. So I am quite sure mine does not come close to getting 40,000 mAh out of it. Or into it for that matter. Without measuring, I estimate it is closer to 20K mAh. It is huge though. Plenty of room to fit cells that could give the rated output.

One user whose romoss swelled and died - took it apart.
Said there were pouch cells in series with no balancing.
Pretty spooky for long term use…
Ya might check that out.
I also see the have a 60A/h version.
Holy Storage Batman.
All the Best,

One other thing… Trying to use the USB C port for charging was not good. If the device you are charging also has a powerbank function, it gets confused. One of my Wurkkos lights was trying to charge the Romoss unit. Not good. I gave up on that and used the low power USB A ports.

EDIT: Changed URL

Yes, pouch cells See about 3 minutes 20 seconds for the label.

Curious about the metal plates… fool people into thinking it is heavier than it should be??


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:smiling_imp: :japanese_ogre:

More than likely some way of Compressing that pouch cell ( not a very good way ) – Pouch cells should always be compressed before fully charging

I was waiting for the guy in the video to set that cell off with the soldering iron — Some one get him an Iron with some heat

Yupper… I was shaking my head the whole time. He mentioned needing a higher power iron, but never got one. But he didn’t seem to have a clue about how to solder or safety anyway.

Couldn’t they have used one plate and maybe some stiff foam with the correct properties Maybe 4 or 5 blocks . Probably cheaper and could cut down on shipping costs… not to mention taking a bit of the load out of my backpack…

Wellp, I decided to use The Hammer Of Knowledge and similar tools to pry open the Romson just for s&g, and to see what’s inside. Got a corner open but don’t want to totally destroy it, so will go slowly.

1 Thank

All in the name of science… (or is it curiosity?).
I thought about it, but I wondered if it would go back together…

I look forward to reading what you find.

There’s always The Glue Of Understanding…

1 Thank

Every time I see one of these videos.
I cry to the heavens.
“Dear Lord - has any of these people ever thought to use a tripod???”
All the Best,
Ah, see he finally used one.

:popcorn: :popcorn:

Picked up this Cheapo Solder Station today – Came to $20 +tax – worth a shot – Hakko tips might make a keeper

Digital Soldering Iron station Kit, 2 Auxiliary Clamps, 5 Soldering Iron Tips, Solder Wires, Solder Suckers, Stainless Steel Tweezers, and a Phillips Start, is your choice of soldering station! (

2 Thanks

I often use the Spudger of Science…
All the Best,

PS - that guy has the nastiest soldering iron I’ve ever seen.
Watching him try to solder those connections was just painful.

Agreed. He did not understand that he just needed to heat the joint until the solder flows… instead of hacking on it like he was using a cold chisel. AND… he never cleaned the tip once…

But I posted it because it showed the cells. At least he did that well.

Any progress?

Naw. Doing other stuff, so that’s low priority for now.

1 Thank



Does anyone know what LED emitter this Streamlight uses and what is approx. tint?
Own some of their flashlights and they make a sturdy product generally speaking but really wish they would disclose these important specs.

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