Amazon Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

That reminds me…
I want to get a digital kitchen scale that runs on AA or AAA batteries so that I can use Eneloops instead of button cells.
All my family has right now is an ancient analog kitchen scale that is not very accurate.
I used to have a digital kitchen scale, but I got rid of it when I got rid of my marijuana paraphernalia (back when marijuana was still illegal in California.) :man_shrugging:

1 Thank

Ordered one of these keychain lights, thanks @raccoon !

FYI, my RovyVon clone weighs 18g, but it’s mostly plastic.

2 Thanks

What the hell. Ordered one.

1 Thank

I have one of these clones. Replaced an Aluminum AAA with it; shorter and brighter. I like the temporary press to light function for a quick light in the dark.

2 Thanks

Sounds like a cool little light.

1 Thank

I picked one up too… I am going to have to stop looking at this thread…it is killing my budget… :smiling_imp:

5 Thanks

Digital Soldering Iron station, 2 Auxiliary Clamps, 5 Soldering Iron Tips, Solder Wires, Solder Suckers, Stainless Steel Tweezers, and a Phillips Start (<don’t know what that is). $17.5 using Vipon Code 50WOCUH3

The momentary on is probably what I will use most. If it weren’t I probably wouldn’t have bought this light. Long press for off is a deal breaker usually.

I tried mine out today – worked great with HAAKO tips, not sure about the ones that came with it – Heats up really fast , Holds the heat well

1 Thank

Dang. Didn’t realize I post this deal twice. Sorry.


I ordered one although the last thing I need is another flashlight :kissing_smiling_eyes:

It’s 1 more thing that my kids will have to get rid of when I pass away :scream:

4 Thanks

Gonna be one hell of a Yard Sale when I die ( Guns - Stereo - Flashlights - Etc )

I’m taking it with me.

1 Thank

Okay, this one is NOT a deal…

I got an email about this flashlight from Vipon.
I was wondering which emitter it had until I saw that it was advertised as outputting 300,000 lumens!
That’s when I lost interest. :man_shrugging:

That’s a great per lumen price. :grin:

1 Thank

The flashlight body doesn’t look too bad…
If it had a nice emitter and better modes, I might be interested, but it probably has a super cheap emitter to match the High-Medium-Low-Strobe-SOS modes. :face_vomiting:

1 Thank

I know - I know. Start giving stuff away at some point to those who will appreciate it. Some stuff nobody even knows what it’s for. Ransom Rest anyone?
Closed down my business. Gave like 20 computers to a charity auction.

All the Best,

I should sell lots of stuff, but the first time some one tries to beat me up on price I get PO’d
I have over 1000 vacuum tubes that are very collectable ( if I sell I’ll never be able to find the again)

I remember pulling vacuum tubes from tv sets and other devices and then going to the grocery store to use their tube testers when I was a kid.

Sometimes I think I’m ancient :woozy_face:

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