Amazon Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

Got my key chain light. It’s just a smidge taller than my old key chain light and 3.5g heavier, which I’d say is negligible. It does seem brighter, too, and it has more of a hot spot, but it’s not a thrower by any means. All in all, very nice little light.

5 Thanks

Which is the new one?

The one on the left.

How is it better than the other one.

I didn’t say it was better.

I’ll give you $3 for it ….

When is the garage sale ? I need more 30q’s

3 Thanks

Sounds fair if shipping is included.

Yeah the 30Qs were a steal – I snagged 250 VTC5A that were NOS also

1 Thank

Wurkkos FC13S (with 3000 mAh 18650 battery according to several Amazon reviews) for $19.99

If you choose the 6000K version, the price might be even less with the Amazon 35% off coupon. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thats a damn good light and a damn good deal.

1 Thank

It’s still full price. Is there a discount code somewhere?

Discount Code: 4OAR52BD

I purchased the 5000K … :beer:

1 Thank

Did you visit the Vipon link that I provided?
You might need a Vipon account to get the discount. :+1:

1 Thank

Vipon Account Link

The FC13s is not regulated , correct?

I got one of the little S15 lights too. Seems well built. I like the design. The UI is not great. Double click to get to where you can select a level. Single click for momentary high. I am not a fan of having to hold the button for light, so it means I need to remember to double click it.

I need to wait for dark to see how well it lights thing up…

I think for a keychain light the UI is tolerable. Momentary on could be quite useful for finding a lock or conserving it’s small battery. Double click for on might keep it off in your pocket better.

Did you buy one?
In any case, while this may work for your use case, I don’t like it at all. For the things that I use one of these small lights for, having to hold the button for light is too limiting, regardless of any other potential upsides. Double click for constant on is counter intuitive as few if any of my other lights require this. Even though it probably does help to prevent accidently turning it on. So yeah, give and take. For me, too much take!

Certainly, if you like the UI, pick on up and enjoy… I just wanted other potential buyers to be aware of the way it works.

Mine comes Tue. but I have an early sofirn sp10 I think it is and I absolutely hate the UI which is similar to this keychain light. I knew it before I ordered though when Racoon posted about it. In reality my current Keychain light hardly gets used. It’s more of a backup to my edc.

2 Thanks

Yep, same here.
I have two different keychain lights on my keychain that are just backup lights. :+1: