Amazon Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

Saw this thing. Looks like a nice line voltage tester. Shows a bit more than the typical GFI socket test thingies.
Don’t have one but 20% off the $18.89 it’s priced about right.

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Yeah, beware the zippers. I Picked some sling bags that were listed in this thread. Like 3 for $12. I am on the third one because the zippers broke on the first two. I notice that some of the negative review for the one listed complain about broken zippers… I guess the zipper is a good place to save money on these cheep things…
Just my PSA for the day… :japanese_ogre:

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Looks cool. I have this brand in a DMM. Great tool.

Doh, that’s like putting a carry on luggage on your back. I can already feel the pain. :face_with_head_bandage:

Probably that thin material, but wotdahell, I ordered one anyway. tnx.

Can’t recall what I did with my old Jansport, but I wanted something to be able to walk to the store and carry stuff (especially heavier) back but not with bag-handles digging into my hands.

Of course, what’ll probably happen is that I’ll find it the day after this one’s delivered… :roll_eyes:

I’ll “report back” about the zippers.

Duuuh, forgot why I popped back in here.

Mixer/whisker doodad for 7fitty. Surprisingly good reviews, but we’ll see.

One-time code, else I’d post it.

Code ran out so I had to wait, but ordered it when the timer restarted, so should be good for a while. Expires in 8 days, I think.

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The Gerber Suspension NXT Multi tool for $28.99 with “Prime” , Grey and Black too for higher price though

192 pc watch repair kit $12.75 Lightning Deal w/ -15% on page.

Has anybody noticed a significant lag between ordering and shipping from Amazon (US) lately? I ordered two items last Saturday, got the immediate email confirmation, but since then not a peep. My CC has not been charged yet either.

I remember a while back it was not unusual for orders to show up within 2-3 days even without “Prime” (which was the main reason I never bothered with it). I only order once a month at most, but it seems to be getting a lot slower from order to delivery.

We haven’t seen any delays on our orders (Phoenix area), but I have noticed that Subscribe & Save orders arrive over 2-3 days lately instead of on the same day (some items early, some items late).

Depends. Since they changed my minimum from 25bux to 35bux I’ve been ordering way more infrequently, so I guess to “entice” me they do that “for the next 24hrs…” dealy. They’ve always sat on orders for up to a week before shipping. But for sure they sit on orders a few days to be able to “bundle” multiple orders into one box. Sometimes just for spite I’ll wait 'til something ships before ordering something else.

Rare exceptions are those shipped directly by the vendor. I got some waterproofing spray, which was shipped within hours (and not just “label created” crap… actually shipped!) and I got it in 2-3 days door to door.

But yeah, no more instant shipping unless stuff from one order is coming from different warehouses, and then it’s still a roll of the dice.

1 Thank

That validates it. I’ve just never experienced it before to this degree. Thanks.

My experience is about the same with Amazon shipping. Some things come quickly and some don’t. I always thought it depended on the 3rd party vendor. If they are in a nearby location it comes quickly etc. There have been times where I wish they would bundle orders just to reduce waste.

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You can do with with prime, it’s called " your Amazon day "

1 Thank

I think I’ve used that before. Is that where you save 1% if you aren’t in a hurry?

Is anyone jumping on this Battery Hookup deal? New Samsung 30T 21700 3000mAh 35A Power Battery – Battery Hookup
I just wrestle with them being only 3000 mAh. My 30Q purchase from BH, previously, was great so I have the single cell capacity already.

1 Thank

I checked them out, but like you the capacity is a no go for me — It’s sort of like I ended up with 80 VTC4s for free from a wrong shipment – Great cells but that low capacity stops me from using them

Sofirn BLF LT1 Mini is 50% off ($26.49) with Vipon code 50Z7AEMY, note that this light has been discontinued.

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qbedxsf2t9t81 (Small)

Many Vipon codes are one use only.
It’s usually better to link to the Vipon deal like so:

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