Andúril 2 coming to Sofirn - The general Sofirn development thread

I am to it seems… in good company that is.

“Friendly discussion reported”… yep, can happen in a heartbeat. :frowning:

Meh. I don’t pay it no nevermind.

I was once reported for “shrugging”.

Then another time I was in the process of answering a person’s question and I asked for more details and got reported.

Then there was the time I tried to help someone with a return and got reported.

I learned to just ignore them.


You guys have given me an idea…

I’ve been half-heartedly attempting to modify one of SP32Av2.0s (<-mouthful, isn’t it?) by swapping in a different emitter.

However, my attempts to loosen the bezel have been unsuccessful, at least by employing what’s handy around the house, and not buying additional tools just to take apart a frickin’ flashlight.

I now realize I’ve gotten it wrong all along, and should have dunked it into a fresh, hot cup of McDonald’s coffee, just a like a piece of biscotti, to loosen the glue used to ensure that the Hot symbol in perfect symmetry.

Where was my mind? :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope that the people doing the frivolous reporting are then told to stop it.

Nah, the rude mark goes away after 24 hours or so and is no big deal. You can still see all your old reported comments, though.

SB knows there are always going to be these random reports of people that are not accurate, so he doesn’t pay them any attention. You need to get a lot of reports over a short period of time for him to take notice. That’s the sign that your comment has offended many people and needs to be looked at to see if it violates any rules.

SB probably has a script that only alerts him to the above type of posts (like maybe 10 rude reports in 24 hours) as well as if a member has made several rude reports in a short time. Then he can see if they are legit reports or if the person has gone bonkers and is reporting everything. Something like that. I don’t know specifics.

Overall, it’s up to us to be in charge of our actions and follow the rules. SB gives a lot of leeway to everyone. If you cause problems or break rules he will give a warning. If you still don’t act right, then he’ll ban you. It might be temporary or it might be permanent.

I try to follow the rules and even help out the forum, so I have zero worries about frivolous rude reports.

why would anyone do that? u are a nice guy.

I don’t know. People are hard to understand. I don’t waste my time thinking about it.

One more run at Coffee. :wink: . I found this Article both interesting & informative.

It seems optimal brewing temperature is between 195°F and 205°F in most cases.

Serving temperature varies from person to person & what they prefer. Imagine that… :smiley:

Personally…… I like it HOT. :wink:

Okay teacher. Just don’t stir the pot! :stuck_out_tongue:

:+1: … I definitely won’t do that DavidEF. :wink:

Which single 18650 sofirn Usb tech is the Best… The brightest?

I’d say the SP30A

Sofirn vš. Fitorch… Which brand is better? Never had any of this Lights… But looks good…

I wouldn’t worry about the “reporting”. I’m a forum owner and a mod on two different forums and the reporting button simply brings attention to the post.

In my experience, the vast, vast majority are simple arguments between posters. Which should be ignored unless there are threats involved. In my world, of it gets bad, there is simply a PM to cool it and that’s it. On the rare occasion it gets real ugly, then a week suspensions of the accounts to parties involved. Then all is forgotten.

I haven’t seen anything in my short period here that raises above firefly level.

In my 2 decades of forum experience, this is a great forum.

I havent bought anything from Fitorch, their prices seem a lot higher. People seem to like Sofirn because the quality is good yet their prices are very low. Plus Sofirn reps come to the forum and talk to people, get ideas and advice to see what users want and end up making nice products. I haven’t seen that with Fitorch. So it’s up to you to decide who is “better”.

Some suggestions for Sofirn:

  • For pocket EDC lights, having the light be small and compact is a plus. A typical tube-shaped light tends to be quite long…115mm or longer for a 1x18650 format. Try making it shorter. Chances are there is a lot of empty space that doesn’t need to be there. Maybe the pill has a lot of air inside and could be shorter, etc. Look for places where dead space can be removed and the light made overall shorter.
  • To get better heatsinking in a small pocket light you need mass (usually around the shelf) and heatsink fins. Best example is Zebralight which uses a single-piece of aluminum containing the head, body and shelf. But other good examples are the Fireflies E07 and Emisar D4 which both have extremely thick shelves and decent fins.
  • Make sure your light has a good UI. Sofirn’s UIs are ok, but not great. Ideally, I’d like the UI to have instant access to moonlight, turbo and on/off. No need to reinvent the wheel either…maybe use one of the public UIs developed here on this forum. There are some excellent UIs available.
  • Pocket EDC lights with sideswitches should have recessed or flush buttons that do not project past the body of the light. The main advantage of a pocket EDC is you can reach into your pocket, grab it, and get instant light. This convenience is lost if you have to lock the light out to prevent accidental activation in your pocket.
  • Pocket EDC lights should tailstand
  • No crenelations on head or tail for pocket EDC lights. They feel uncomfortable in the pocket.
  • Don’t underestimate the benefit of having a high burst turbo mode. the Emisar D4 is a small pocket-light running a single 18650 or 18350. It can burst as high as 4300 lumens, but sustained output isn’t over 500. Yet people love the D4. High burst is fun and can really make your enthusiast flashlight stand out from the pack of 1,000 lumen lights. Just make sure to inform buyers in all advertising that it is a short duration burst mode. If you do this I also suggest using a driver that uses the ATiny85 MCU with firmware that ramps output down when it gets too hot.
  • If you have very good electronics engineers on hand, you might try building a “buck-boost” driver, like those found in Zebralights. These are more efficient than most flashlight drivers and might extend run time.
  • Maybe try some other colors: Most of your recent lights are available in black only. Perhaps have some with 2 different colors of anodizing. Maybe clear anodizing. This might help a model stand out from the pack.
  • Try thinking outside the box. There are lots of ideas that haven’t been made into production lights yet, such as a flip-up cover over the switch or a fan in a light small enough to pocket-carry. If you think you have a good idea, but aren’t sure, come here to BLF and run your idea past some of our members.

i have folomov 18650s, it’s the shortest 18650 light i have, and it even can fit protected cell

its design is quite unique, driver at tail cap, E switch at tail cap. i like it