Anduril 2 feature change suggestions

Yes. The XHP50.2 is the LED that I am getting. I will let you know.



If you wanted a very simple walking flashlight, the Convoy S2+ with SST40 is a marvel but does not include a charger.

It’s nice and feels great in the hand, it heats up less than the Wurkkos ones.

Another one that I didn’t like at first because of its beam, is the Sofirn SC18 but I got used to it and now I like it for daily use, it is very small, has a charger and is very simple to use, with 2c for turbo.

None of them has anduril, I only comment it to look for something simple.

Personally I love all the ones with anduril you can do whatever you want.

I just tested my new T25 and it does it differently.

From ON 2C turbo.

From OFF 2C end of ramp, but sometimes turbo comes in.

From OFF 2H turbo.

And from ON in any mode you go to turbo with 2C.

@dmenezes Do you have any with the previous anduril?

I notice again the Candle mode is not like a Candle as in anduril 1 it was more real.

In all the ones I have with anduril 2 the Candle mode is not noticeable at all the effect.

But in storm mode it is very good.

I wanted the Candle mode that I see in the videos with the old anduril.

In the videos I’ve seen, the candle mode is very natural and with a diffuser it was very realistic.

Some way to get back to that more natural Candle mode.

Edit: I leave several video, my anduril 2 flashlights do not look like that, the light remains fixed, maybe a little slow variation but always fixed.

Yeah, that’s me - that’s my version with mods, also where I push branches for mods I do for other people. There are some branches based on unmodified anduril as well, I should probably do a bit of cleanup on it.

In terms of the base anduril codebase, I usually pull it from launchpad into a branch I have on my own internal git server so I can merge in new changes, but it’d be easy to make a git repo that tracks it, I just need to automate a couple of things.

If you have bzr installed on a Linux/Mac system or under WSL in Windows, you can use it to download the latest version of the code with bzr branch lp:~toykeeper/flashlight-firmware/multi-channel for multichannel, or bzr branch lp:~toykeeper/flashlight-firmware/anduril2 for the older branch. If you want to use git to work on it for your own development, you can then run git init ; bzr fast-export --plain . | git fast-import && git reset HEAD --hard which will convert it to a git repo.

Try increasing CANDLE_AMPLITUDE to a higher value (default if undefined is 25, and it’s undefined in the TS25 header file). Try increasing it to 35 or 40.

3 Thanks

You can adjust the brightness (and I think frequency ??) of the candle mode:

Brightness, yes, frequency no.
At least not on my lights.

Verry happy to find out just last night though, that I can turn both strobes waaaayyyy down, on them it is the speed not brightness it adjusts. Now if I accidentally activate them I don’t instantly stroke out before I can turn it off lol.

I’m the opposite of @litris, I see a distinct flutter to candle mode, and when I can get to editing code, If I leave it available, I will slow it down to make it more realistic.

Actually one of my big reasons for wanting to edit and compile a custom version is to completely remove all of the flashing modes, except maybe battery check(and give it more clicks to access it)

Depends on your configuration of the flashlight.

There were no changes to the candle mode. Sometimes it’s very smooth, sometimes erratic. Depends on the random state.

1 Thank

AFAIK 2C should always (at least try to) go to turbo – what could be happening is that, with the light off, the ‘impact’ of going directy to turbo might be causing the battery’s voltage to sag and then triggering LVP, which would make the light drop output to compensate.

That it happens "sometimes΅ tends to corroborate that IMO.

No, I don’t have any lights with Anduril1 – both my Anduril lights (TS10 and FC13) came with Anduril2 in them.

I could try and have a look at the source code for the light in question – but I don’t think @Simon_Mao posted the source code for his Anduril driver yet (he really should, not doing so not only hinders us hobbyists as in the present case, but is a direct violation of the Anduril GPL source code licence).

That’s good advice right there! :wink: @litris do you have the programming kit yet? If so, I can compile an hex with these for your TS25 and send your way.

Not on the FC13 or TS10 at least, on them 1H/2H just change brightness.

But what about CANDLE_AMPLITUDE @wolfgirl42 told us about? As a parameter it could have different values even if the source code is the same.

If you use StarryAlley custom firmware you can change also the candle mode.
I use his firmware and the customisation are fantastic. Many function are base Anduril 2 and others are custom made. Cool

Perfect Thanks!

Only brightness.

I am looking for a more realistic effect as in the videos.

I have not recorded a video because mine is fixed, only a light on can be seen in my video.

To notice it I have to put the palm of my hand against my head and I see a very very small variation, almost not noticeable.

It’s on the way, he told me it will take a couple of weeks, it comes by regular mail, when it arrives I’ll start changing firmware!

Quizás no se entiende, quería decir que desde OFF voy a tubo con 2C pero debería ser con 2H pero me doy cuenta que es por las pulsaciones.

Pulso más lento y lo toma como un encendido y 2C por eso voy a turbo.

En resumen es para que sepa que se puede llegar a turbo desde cualquier modo no hace falta subir la rampa al techo, quizás eso era en otros firmware.

Yo siempre tengo turbo con 2C en mis linternas con Anduril 2.

Se puede ver en el vídeo que puse.
Maybe it is not understood, I meant to say that from OFF I go to tube with 2C but it should be with 2H but I realize it is because of the pulsations.

I pulse slower and it takes it as an ignition and 2C that’s why I go to turbo.

In short is to let you know that you can go to turbo from any mode you don’t need to ramp up to the ceiling, maybe that was in other firmware.

I always have turbo with 2C on my flashlights with Anduril 2.

You can see it in the video I posted.

1 Thank

I think @wolfgirl42’s suggestion of increasing CANDLE_AMPLITUDE would give you more variation. Let’s definitely try that when you get the flashing kit!

2H? Eso es raro, 2H a partir de apagado deberia ser “turbo momentáneo”, recién lo revisé y así es en mis linternas y en el manual de Anduril. Creo que hay algún equivoco aquí.

De todo modo, sobre las “pulsaciones”: creo que ahora te entiendo, te referes a la velocidad de los clicks que haces en la switch, ¿verdad? de hecho eso cambia todo, Anduril usa el intervalo entre los clicks para determinar cuando una sequencia terminó, y si te demoras un chiquito más entre un click y el proximo, se pasa de una sequencia para dos y todo se cambia.

2H? That’s weird, 2H from off it should be “momentary turbo”, I just checked it and it’s like that in my flashlight and in the Anduril manual. I think there is some mistake here.

Anyway, about the “pulsations”: I think I understand you now, you mean the speed of the clicks you make on the switch, right? in fact that changes everything, Anduril uses the interval between clicks to determine when a sequence is over, and if you delay a little more between one click and the next, it goes from one sequence to two and everything changes.

so, couple updates on my situation… between this;

and this;

I now have everything installed, and can indeed compile C!
Have not tried to compile anduril, nor anything for a attiny1616 yet… Just a test bit of C code from the first page above. Getting there, maybe tonight for Anduril.

But, I do have avrdude working! The 6.3 version in the first link above didn’t support serialupdi… Re-installed with the newest 7.0 and all is good!

So yes, after a little fiddling, an accident, and some soldering(almost broke the USB C port off of the adaptor board :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :roll_eyes:) I have just a few minutes ago successfully flashed the 8C aux quick switch mod to my TS11!!

The 8C switch does indeed work great! As far as I can tell, everything is fine…

I Think my only “issue” is actually a current feature of the main multi channel branch; It is supposed to show voltage check Aux mode(the rainbow for voltage) on the main OTF Aux, and switch for a second or two every time you unlock it, or when you turn it(main emiter/ramp) off, right? :question:

And is supposed to show the same rainbow style voltage display bright on the switch when ramp is On, and the main Aux in dim mode alongside the main emiter/ramp on?

I remembered that regular batt check now flashes on the aux, in my case on the button, in white… so that surprised me for a sec, but didn’t scare me lol.

I think I gotta go find the documentation for multichannel lol.

but yeah, love the 8C aux switch!
And, oddly enough, it does indeed work in simple UI, and I now also can control all other AUX settings(color or brightness) from simpleUI. :+1:

1 Thank

Quite a saga to get that working, I see. Congrats!

Glad to hear it! Thanks for the report!

Yes, that is what I see with my FC13. Haven’t checked the code but i guess it’s indeed a feature.

That’s unexpected, as I added the 8C handling code right after the one which was already there for 7C, and both are located (in both lockout-mode.c and off-mode.c) after this:

    if (cfg.simple_ui_active) {
        return EVENT_NOT_HANDLED;

This means that if the flashlight is in Simple UI, the code returns from that point so 8C never gets a chance to run.

Puzzling… but if that’s how it’s working for you and that’s not a problem, I’m happy :wink:

Here’s a link: ~toykeeper/flashlight-firmware/multi-channel : contents of ToyKeeper/spaghetti-monster/anduril/anduril-manual.txt at revision 816

In fact there’s mention of a “Post-off voltage display timeout” which can be configured and even disabled, perhaps that’s what you wanted.

Again, thanks for the report!


I’m looking forward to it, so I try to change more things.

For example, I just reboot at the beginning when I get it I leave it factory default.

But once it’s configured to my liking, I wouldn’t want to reboot again.

So there is an option I would like to add or modify I will look for it in the code.

My flashlights after reboot the temperature is calibrated, but 3 or 4 degrees above always and I have to adjust it also the ceiling one.

I would like to correct that.

For example temp -4 (I have to see the code) and the default ceiling I don’t know how much it is but minimum 55° is ideal or 60°.

I’ll let you know when I have the programmer!

1 Thank

uh ,it’s Anduril 1.0

1 Thank

Well, I can compile 11 hex for lights I don’t own… All Hank lights.
all in the current multi branch.

I get 30 some odd hex files from the previous non multi channel branch… a mix of brands, nothing I own. Lol.

No attiny1616 support is working, although I have followed the readme update, and some tips from here… It includes the added library, but then says “device not specified”, like its not included in the added library. Weird.

I also get a lot of code errors, where the compiler just doesn’t understand the C… I trush y’alls code is fine, I think this might be a outdated version of my compiler maybe? seems odd, but all of this stuff ported to Windows isn’t exactly in newest versions.

I dunno.
Anyway, after 4 hours straight at it, I’m giving it a rest.

Thanks for letting me vent about it… :sunglasses: :wink:

I do see light at the end of the tunnel… but at the moment its an incandecent AA Maglite… lol.

1 Thank

All the stuff you mentioned (and a lot more) is configurable straight into the hex by (re)#defineing the appropriate macros in your light’s cfg*.h file prior to compilation. When you do that, the light comes ready from the flash (and from every factory reset – not sure that’s what you’re calling a “reboot”) with all your configurations already set. That’s what I do here.

Also, with the flashing kit and any hex (even ones you don’t have the source for) you can save the EEPROM and restore it from a light (or from one light to the other if they are running exactly the same hex, or at least an hex with the exact same set and order of variables in the EEPROM).

Thanks for responding, we knew it’s Anduril 1 but a confirmation is always welcome.

What we (at least me and @wolfgirl42, but eventually every Anduril developer) would like to see is the source code of the hex they come programmed with; could you please post a link?

2 Thanks
  1. I installed the TS25 hex with the 8C aux toggle. It works!
    I especially like that it toggles the High aux brightness (or whichever brightness was used last).
    This is very good, because the Low Aux on TS25 are too dim to be useful for me.
    Thank you!

  2. Installed the TS10 hex w 8C aux toggle. It works! But there are other issues:

the light turned on w Aux in blink mode… not a problem, I used 7C, twice, to get to low mode, and now that toggles on and off w 8C just fine.

however the light now turns on the main LEDs at 0.08 lumens floor… always… If I ramp up to a higher output, and then turn off and back on, the light reverts to the 0.08 lumens floor.

also when I do battery check, the light blinks 5x, which is not correct

also when I try to go to simple mode, there is no flash to confirm, and the inaccurate batt check still repeats…

I reverted to my backup, atm the TS10 hex w 8C toggle is not fully functional for me.

Thanks for your efforts regardless.

That’s weird as you should be getting 17 hexes, the ones I listed here.

Are you using the rev.241 sources? Have you applied my fix here?