Anduril 2 lockout moonlight modes

Wanting to separate this out from the other thread, as it is more of a question not a complaint (yet…).

On my older Anduril lights in lockout (4C) you can use the light as momentary. 1 click (and hold) gives you Moonlight and 2 clicks (and hold) gives you low. This is really useful and works without any programming on the part of the user.

With Anduril 2, I now have two lights with this. Lockout (4 clicks), both 1 click (and hold) or 2 clicks (and hold) gives the same moonlight output. i.e. only 1 output not a choice of 2.

Why is this?

It feels like a backwards step.

The UI diagrams say the same thing:


Anduril 2:

2 click and hold from lockout gives your memorised level

That isn’t what the UI diagram says……

I have it set to auto memory (as if you’d done a factory reset). This memory recalls the last output you used when the light is unlocked. But when locked it only uses one output for both modes. Although it is physically impossible to 2H without first doing 1C, so you’ll always activate Moonlight first. Is it then using this as the “saved” value for the 2H?

Either way, in DEFAULT settings it doesn’t seem to work and certainly doesn’t do what the UI diagram says.

This might be a little easier for you to follow:

In Anduril 1:
1H = floor of current ramp
2H = floor of other ramp

In Anduril 2:
1H = lowest floor
2H = other floor or manual memory level

Thanks, already using that. It is where I screenshotted the Anduril 2 UI from.

What is other floor?

Surely, unless its Bug in the UI, bu default it shouldn’t be the same 1H, else there is little to no point having it.

As said, a backwards step.

The stepped ramp and smooth ramp (three clicks from on to change) can have different floors and ceilings. Otherwise you can set a manually memorized level which will then be the 2H from lockout.

Simple Floor and Advanced Floor are the two modes that 1H and 2H reach from lockout.

so, IF simple mode floor is = to Advanced Floor, then 1H = 2H

Here is how the manul describes it:

“The brightness in lockout mode has two levels:

- 1H: Light up at the lowest floor level.

- 2H: Light up at the highest floor level.
(or the manual mem level, if there is one)”

here is a link to the manual… take some time to read it, I think it will help you feel less lost and frustrated

It’s not simple vs advanced, but smooth vs stepped.

1 Thank

Thank you, great info :wink:
That info is not in the manual… suggest this edit:

– 1H: Light up at the smooth floor level, or the stepped floor level, whichever is lower.

Uses the floors of Simple Mode smooth and stepped, or the Advanced mode smooth and stepped, of whichever UI, simple or advanced, that the light is in.

- 2H: Momentary on at the ramp floor level, or the stepped floor level, whichever is higher. (or the manual mem level, if there is one)”

in my case, it is lowest floor of ramped or stepped, for 1H and memorized level for 2H
(I use Manual Memory with a 10 minute Last Mode Memory)

1 Thank

I do wish there was a delay on the holds before the light turned on. As it is you get two flashes even when quickly 4C to unlock it.

Ok. Thanks. Not sure I fully get it.

I really like the 1c moon and 2c low on Anduril. Why have a default mode in Anduril 2 that has these as the same output ?? Seems rather pointless.

Can they be made to work like Anduril 1? Without a zillion clicks to set the sodding thing up?


starting from advanced stepped ramping mode and manual memory off:

stepped floor could be 1/150 (from strepped mode, use 7H from On, release at first flash, clic once, wait till it stops flashing)

smooth floor could be 10/150 (use 7H from On, release on first flash, clic 10x, wait till it stops flashing)

thats all

1H will give 1/150
2H will give 10/150

Thanks. But that sounds like an awful lot of needle faffing (or some other kind of effing) around. Why is it not set like this by default??? (I know it isn’t you who wrote it. But this seems like a major but of backwards thinking when it worked on the older version).

Oh and to reinforce this. Was out walking just a while back. I missed clicked and got the light in some odd unusable mode. I didn’t have instructions with me and could fix it. Apart from doing a tail cap reset. Which would mean any time spent doing 500 clicks setting up stuff that should work by default would be lost and would have been a total and utter waste of time setting up.

It’s a real shame. As in concept it probably isn’t a bad idea. Just ruined by being far too fragile and bug ridden.

it works on the new version too

the difference is that some lights ship with different floor defaults for smooth and stepped ramp… which is what your Anduril 1 light did

some Anduril 2 lights also ship with different floor defaults for smooth and stepped ramp, so they work the same on lockout as your Anduril 1 light

I dont know all the lights you have, nor their defaults, but apparently one of your anduril 2 lights uses the same default floor for both stepped and smooth ramp, so on lockout, 1H and 2H, are the same… you could enable manual memory to make 2H use that level from lockout… or you can insure your light has different floors

this is all part of the Anduril Optional features … Manufacturers dont know what Options you or I will prefer, so if they guess wrong, we can fine tune Anduril Options to our individual preferences

Anduril is very feature rich, but it does require clicking to adjust Options…

if youre not willing to read the manual and learn to use the Options… maybe Anduril is too complex for your preferences

Expecting a manufacturer to set the Options you like from factory, is simply not real world.

Here is a list of all the Options I customise on my TS10. The light does not come with this set of Options from factory:

Aux on Low when off
turn on in Advanced ramping
ramping speed option 3 (slower)
10 lumen manual memory
10 minute temporary memory (this is set by default)
simple smooth and stepped ramping floor at 1/150 = 0.01 lumens
advanced smooth ramping ceiling at 110/150 = 250 lumens
Advanced stepped 120/150 = 350 lumens
2C gives ceiling, no Turbo
thermal limit set to 50C (sustains about 330 lumens freestanding)

I do a Lot of clicking, and I use the Manual… it is just the way of Anduril… lol

well… clearly, Anduril Bugs you… suggest you step back to a light with a more basic UI…

Boy oh boy, so much whining from one who purchased an enthusiast flashlight and wants everything to be super simple…. Anduril is obviously a UI you should be avoiding.

This here is so simple to follow and yet it’s too much for you. Again, it’s a flashlight UI meant for those who enjoy lots of settings. Perhaps, you should go and watch a tutorial on YouTube, there’s an excellent video from Flashlight Enthusiasts.

You could just do a factory reset and then you should have two levels like you want. You’ve most likely changed a setting without realizing.

I have a Sofirn SP10 and an Emisar KR4 both running Anduril 2, both have 2 brightness levels in lockout. I don’t know why your light doesn’t.

What makes you think it’s an ill-thought out design choice?
I’ve read a fair few of ToyKeeper’s posts/threads over the last few years and backwards thinking is not something i associate with her.

This is the Anduril 2 thread in which she seeks feedback for the UI:

Even just the first couple of posts worth a read if you want to understand Anduril 2 and it’s creation a little better.

It would have, he’s obviously messed with the settings without realizing. In another thread with another Anduril model, he got it into a low mode and couldn’t figure out how to exit so he had to reset it. I don’t quite understand what mode that would be since turning it off and on would exit any of the blinky/utility modes.