Anduril 2 lockout moonlight modes

I can live with it too, I have no use for lockout momentary modes. I can understand people not being able to understand how to set Simple Mode floors… it is not intuitive.

It helped me to Read the manual

here is how it works:
10H from Off lets you change simple mode floors for stepped and smooth ramping. You need to be in Advanced and in Stepped mode, to change stepped floor in simple mode… and separately you need to be in Andvanced, in smooth mode, to change smooth floor for simple mode.

and here is a great visual aide:

After the first few posts on the thread I started playing around with the ramps to adjust the 2 lockout brightness levels, and sure enough I had it brighter on 1C and lower(moonish)on 2C. Playing with it further it changed back to normal, 1C lower than 2C. I saw this post and decided to do it again(1C higher than 2C)but to no avail, duh. So was it a glitch or can it be done?

not a glitch, yes it is possible to make 1H to be brighter than 2H, in lockout. I just tested that, and this is what I had to do.

I had to set the floors for all four modes,
Simple step, Simple smooth,
Advanced Step and Advanced Smooth,
to be brighter than the memorize level.

I set the four floors to 60/150 = about 26 lumens
(I use 1H 6 times, instead of 60C)
I set memory to 10 lumens (I have a light meter calibrated for lumens).

after that, in lockout 1H gave the floor of 26 lumens, and 2H gave the memorized level of 10 lumens.

the reason this works is that in lockout, 1H will use the Lowest Floor (of all four floors)

and 2H will give the Memorized level.

I did all that by accident lol, thank you sir. I knew you would know. :+1:

very welcome, thanks for your faith in me… :beer:


I am trying to set a different brightness level for 2H in lockout. I find this guide very useful for doing it, but I have one question.

“smooth floor could be 10/150 (use 7H from On, release on second flash, clic 10x, wait till it stops flashing)” - Woudnt releasing on 2nd flash configure ceiling rather than floor? The UI diagram seems that way

You are Right! I edited my mistake.

Thanks, I figured as much and went ahead and followed your guide and I was successfully able to increase the 2H lumen output.

This is why I love Anduril, its as complicated as you want it to be.

Yay! :beer:

I just want to say that my light also came with smooth and stepped floors at the same brightness so there was no difference between 1H and 2H in lockout. The light in question is a D4K that I received 2 days ago. I also think it’s not great design for it to be tied to the ramping modes’ floors. Lockout 2H should be its own setting because it’s perfectly valid to have the same floors set for smooth and stepped ramps.

Thanks to this thread though, I discovered that my floor was set higher than 1, so I set it to 1 on the smooth ramp.

Welcome to the forum "poipoi300".

For lights using Anduril-2, setting the "Manual Memory" allows one other brightness level option for "Lockout 2H".

From forum member ToyKeeper's Anduril-2 Manual at:

Thanks for the welcome. However, your suggestion does not fix the design issue I mentioned. In fact, it’s a design issue on its own.