Anduril 2 UI diagrams (generic, Lumintop, Sofirn)

Understood that with “stock firmware” you are referring to the Anduril 2 version that the D2 shipped with (which might change when Hank ships with newer firmware?). I checked, and my D2 shipped with version check 2021 12 13 0135 as well (which to me seems ancient).

Quite the D2 thread that you are referring to, thank you for sharing all the details and pictures. From my experience: I am using a black D2 flood & throw combo (219b sw45k & W1). This light is even better than I had anticipated, and I have had no issues with it, using Vapcell H10 (flat top). I have simply used Hank’s DW4 headband, which for me fits the D2 good enough, with the D2 clip on. And e.g., I have also shrink wrapped a small magnet on a spare D2 clip, so the D2 gets even more versatile, if needed. Conclusion: what a fantastic light!

Also understood that you did not flash a newer version on purpose. By the way, I have had a look at your D2 cheat sheet, and it is possible to set this up with the latest Anduril release. I saw that ToyKeeper already addressed this in the other thread, so just to recap:

  • Of the 5 channel modes enabled for the D2 by default, with 9H from On, disable all channel modes except the 4th channel mode, Tint Ramp. This will turn the D2 into a “single-channel” light.

  • With 9H from Off, after the first flash, set 2C, Channel Toggle.

I have checked with the D2 at my end: Now I can “switch channels” with 3H (like you currently do), and toggle ramp style with 3C. And I can do this in Advanced UI as well as in Simple UI. Actually, this kind of setup is interesting for me as well, as with my D2 flood & throw combo, I am only ever using one channel at a time. So thank you for this inspiration!

This way, with the latest firmware, you would gain the toggle ramp style with 3C in Simple UI, to match other lights (if you only use Advanced UI, probably of limited use to you). But in addition, you would also gain features like post-Off voltage display, number blinks with Aux LEDs, “smooth steps”, and Tactical Mode.

And with the new diagrams by @containerfan, the diagrams would actually match your Anduril 2 release (further clarifying things). In the new Advanced UI diagram, there is some empty space on the left hand side, so you could add the specific D2`s channel modes and your settings for them there.

2 Thanks