Anduril 2 UI diagrams (generic, Lumintop, Sofirn)

Folks, I have a major update regarding my Anduril 2 diagrams. I have finally converted them over to Inkscape (from MS Visio), and I am now hosting the diagrams on GitHub. Inkscape is open source and multi-platform, so you can modify the diagrams to your heart’s content. The source files are Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format, and I also export the diagrams to PNG and PDF for convenience. Please read the README in my repo for all the details. The plan is to have diagrams for each Anduril 2 release going forward.

Major thanks to @dirtydancing for making significant contributions to get the diagrams production-ready.

@ToyKeeper @jon_slider

8 Thanks

Sounds like your lights have the Extended Simple UI enabled (additional functions available via the Simple UI). Check out the latest diagrams. I think it’ll make more sense.

Thank you for maintaining these resources! Anduril keeps getting smarter, and I do not.

1 Thank

That sounds like a huge udertaking even farther than your extensive contributions to date.

I find your flow charts super helpful, i use duplicates of a master, to catalog changes I make to the personal settings on my various different models of Anduril lights

major respect and kudos…
Thank you for all you do

2 Thanks

I’m hoping that it’s easier for you to make your edits via Inkscape. It has a bit of a learning curve, but it’s not too bad.

thanks for the suggestion
I just downloaded and installed on my 2015 iMac, but my hardware is too old, cant be updated to the required OSX version to run Inkscape…

no worries… your charts are still super useful and easily marked up with my 2016 version of the Preview app :wink:

That’s what I thought, but it worked on lights with the older 2022 version I still have one without upgrading and it does the same 3C simple UI ramp.

I don’t know if these older versions had it.

I have another one a SC31Pro that also does it 3C I didn’t see the version I think it is 2021 or 2022 I already upgraded it to 2023 and didn’t check.

I think it would be nice to add it in simple UI.

In general on all my lights without upgrading it worked 3C now they are all upgraded, I don’t know when the extended simple version was added.

It’s perfect to have a graphical version of each new release!!!

And to be able to change it at will with Inkscape and I see that there is also SVG which opens a wide range of editing apps.

Thanks for your work I keep the link.

Thank you.

Depending on the specific model of the 2015 iMac (there are four from that year), you should be able to run at least macOS 11 or possibly macOS 12. It looks like Inkscape requires macOS 10.11 or higher so theoretically your machine should be capable of running the program if you want.

thanks for your thoughts Stan_WS

inkscape gave me a message that it needs 10.11 and my iMac w Intel is maxed out at 10.12.6

no matter… Preview works fine for drawing tools… here is an example of a simple highlighting of one of containerfan’s flowcharts, intended to focus a new anduril user’s attention on how to change some settings:

here is a more involved one, for a TiTS10 w RGB aux:

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I am a bit confused here, As far as I know, 3C to toggle the ramp between stepping and smooth is standard to simple UI, on ALL Anduril2 versions. As far as I remember its always been that way on all of the diagrams, and in the official docs too…

I hear you, and in a state of Anduril 2 confusion, it is always a good idea to refer to the UI Reference Table at the end of ToyKeeper’s text manual. And for 3C from Ramp/On, this table displays Full, which means Advanced UI. So, 3C from On to toggle ramp style is an Advanced UI function only.

I just checked with a single-channel Emisar D4K, and indeed, also in Simple UI, 3C from On functions to toggle the ramp between smooth and stepped. In this case, this is due to anduril/hw/hank/anduril.h allowing 3C from On to toggle ramp style in Simple UI (which deviates from stock Simple UI).

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Anduril is not consistent… different lights have different features

On my Emisar D2, I canNot go from stepped to smooth in Simple

On my TS10 I Can

there is no way I know of, to predict if 3C from On will work to toggle ramp style in simple… it depends on the light…

Maybe it is of help to differentiate between multi-channel lights and single-channel lights.

I checked with Emisar D2, and when more than one channel mode is enabled (multi-channel), I can go from stepped to smooth with 6C from On in Simple UI.

And when only one channel mode is left enabled (turning the D2 into a single-channel light), then indeed, I can go from stepped to smooth with 3C from On in Simple UI.

This would at least narrow it down as to whether toggle ramp style is allowed in Simple UI (once again, deviating from stock Simple UI in a variation of Extended Simple UI, and apparently done at the manufacturer’s request):

If toggle ramp style is allowed in Simple UI, then 6C (multi-channel) or 3C (single-channel) will consistently toggle ramp style in Simple UI. And with stock Simple UI, Simple UI will consistently inherit the ramp style setting from Advanced UI.

can you not use 3C from On to change ramp between smooth and stepped?

my D2 has Stock firmware and has a white and a red channel that I can switch between using 3H

however, neither 3C from on in simple mode, nor 6C from on in simple mode, will let me change from stepped to smooth

its just the way it is… I dont really mind… I dont use simple mode

I use advanced… it lets me go from smooth to step with 3C from On. I like that I can use 3C, it is consistent with how my TS10 works. My TS10 is also on Stock firmware…

I dont actually want to have to use 6C to switch from smooth to stepped ramps on the D2… I like consistency among my lights UI commands.

this is my D2 cheat sheet:

is there something about your settings that are different than I how configured my light, that explains why I can only use 3C from on in Advanced and not in Simple? I did not use Channel Mode Config menu, only Misc Config… as you can see from my green marks…

Well then, looks like Every Sofirn and Wurrkos model(or the oned I have anyway, which is almost all they offer in Anduril2) is opperating with a non standard simple Ui. Interesting!

I swear the graphic I have downloaded for base A2 has it listed as being in simple ui too, but I dont have access to that here… I’ll have to check later.

Oh well, learn something new every day! Lol

Nice D2 cheat sheet!

Preliminary inquiry: Which Anduril 2 version are you running? I am running ToyKeeper’s latest release, 2023-12-03. D2 Version Check: 0135-2023-12-03

Yes, there are quite a few lights with some variation of Extended Simple UI, so it might be a bit confusing what the actual “standard” Simple UI is.

And things might change with regard to Extended Simple UI, as ToyKeeper has indicated in a recent post.


I found a note I wrote in this thread of mine, that says:
“(flowchart is for a later firmware version, that I have not installed yet, main difference is channel switching uses 3H instead of 3C)”… I had forgotten those details about my D2…

iow, I did not want to use a firmware that requires 3H to switch channels, so I did not update firmware… I think that also explains why I do not need to use 6C to switch ramping style

thanks for explaining your D2 does not have stock firmware

I keep stock firmware on my lights, so I dont have to use non “standard” UI commands… I like all my anduril lights to work w 3C from on, to switch ramping style

I do not update to new firmware, unless there is a feature I absolutely feel I need…

for example, I update my SC21 Pro firmware, so it has lower lows… the firmware I use came from gchart… I do not use the latest ToyKeeper firmware for my SC21 Pro…

similarly, I do not update my Emisar D2 to ToyKeepers latest firmware… so that explains why you have to use 6C when I use 3C, to change ramp styles, and also explains why I dont have Extended Simple UI on my D2.

Understood that with “stock firmware” you are referring to the Anduril 2 version that the D2 shipped with (which might change when Hank ships with newer firmware?). I checked, and my D2 shipped with version check 2021 12 13 0135 as well (which to me seems ancient).

Quite the D2 thread that you are referring to, thank you for sharing all the details and pictures. From my experience: I am using a black D2 flood & throw combo (219b sw45k & W1). This light is even better than I had anticipated, and I have had no issues with it, using Vapcell H10 (flat top). I have simply used Hank’s DW4 headband, which for me fits the D2 good enough, with the D2 clip on. And e.g., I have also shrink wrapped a small magnet on a spare D2 clip, so the D2 gets even more versatile, if needed. Conclusion: what a fantastic light!

Also understood that you did not flash a newer version on purpose. By the way, I have had a look at your D2 cheat sheet, and it is possible to set this up with the latest Anduril release. I saw that ToyKeeper already addressed this in the other thread, so just to recap:

  • Of the 5 channel modes enabled for the D2 by default, with 9H from On, disable all channel modes except the 4th channel mode, Tint Ramp. This will turn the D2 into a “single-channel” light.

  • With 9H from Off, after the first flash, set 2C, Channel Toggle.

I have checked with the D2 at my end: Now I can “switch channels” with 3H (like you currently do), and toggle ramp style with 3C. And I can do this in Advanced UI as well as in Simple UI. Actually, this kind of setup is interesting for me as well, as with my D2 flood & throw combo, I am only ever using one channel at a time. So thank you for this inspiration!

This way, with the latest firmware, you would gain the toggle ramp style with 3C in Simple UI, to match other lights (if you only use Advanced UI, probably of limited use to you). But in addition, you would also gain features like post-Off voltage display, number blinks with Aux LEDs, “smooth steps”, and Tactical Mode.

And with the new diagrams by @containerfan, the diagrams would actually match your Anduril 2 release (further clarifying things). In the new Advanced UI diagram, there is some empty space on the left hand side, so you could add the specific D2`s channel modes and your settings for them there.

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