Anduril ... 2?

Just out of curiosity,

How familiar with Anduril 2 are you? And, how long have you had this light?

We may need to take a step back before trying again… This will help me see if there’s any other stuff to diagnose before going at it

Don’t get too discouraged - it’s the fun of having these lights!

Anduril 2 I never touched before, got the light this morning, I do have anduril 1 kr4 since 2020. had no issues with it at all.
I did not have any problem with this new light either until i tried to set channel switch/disable ramping, other functions and settings worked flawlessly

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If you’re looking at YouTube videos, reddit posts, blogs etc. that are describing how to configure the dual-channel features and are from before around October last year (which is most of the sources you’ll find by searching), then you need to forget what they have told you, they are obsolete.

@ToyKeeper made significant changes to the multi-channel configuration, including a different way to configure it.

There have been multiple posts on Reddit recently from confused people who aren’t looking at up-to-date information. It doesn’t help that well-meaning people on Reddit keep posting links to out-of-date sources and UI diagrams.

Wipe what you’ve learned and then look at the manual here:

For an uo-to-date UI diagram, go here:

Most of what you find elsewhere is currently likely to be wrong.

3 Thanks

Alright, cool.

Give me a bit and I’ll sit down and see if we can get you where you want to go.

Are you comfortable doing a factory reset and getting from Simple UI to Advanced UI?

If so, maybe go ahead and do that so everything will be at known default settings before we start working this out…

1 Thank

Thanks, yea, i’m comfortable with anything, I already did factory reset half a dozen times, and switched ui. pretty much everything else i configured works. but the modes, no matter what i do, i still have 3 modes where white and uv on at the same time. not a huge deal, i mean i can still get uv only , just have to click 3c few more times. would be nice to get rid of them, but if not, it would not be the end of the world.

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We’ll get you there.

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I got the issue resolved, even thou i did exactly the same steps as before, however i used fully charged cell this time, the cell i used before was 3.5v at its max when i started, I know it sounds crazy, and it shouldn’t matter but, it somehow did, thanks again to everyone who tried to help.

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3.5V is almost empty in functional terms. In general I swap at 3.6 if I catch it there.

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First time posting in this thread, please be gentle with your criticism :innocent:

I’ve started using Anduril in my bike lights and I feel they definitely need an upgrade when it comes to cycling blinkies.

I do really miss blinking modes that I used to use with other UIs. These are:

  1. Breathing blinkie with regulated speed of the loop
  2. Beacon in range of 1-5 Hz
  3. Random series of flashes (e.g. from 1 to 5 in a row at 1-5 Hz) - this attracts attention with no pissing-off effect
  4. Convoy’s ‘biking mode’ variations
  5. Maybe random lengt and random interval just to satisfy eager for fancy-ness?

I’d be more than happy having these in my biking flashlights since standard Anduril 2 blinkies are mostly useless for cycling.


Interesting requirements, I’d like to learn more.

  1. Breathing blinkie with regulated speed of the loop

What do you mean by “regulated” in this context – being able to configure different speeds via the user interface? As for breathing, there might be some code to be borrowed from this fork which has a lighthouse beacon mode.

  1. Convoy’s ‘biking mode’ variations

What are these variations? I have some 12-mode Convoy lights and they seem to only have a single biking mode.

  1. Beacon in range of 1-5 Hz

This kind of exists already, although it might not be the easiest to access.

Beacon mode can do 1 flash per second (1Hz), accessed via 3C from off followed by 2C, 2C again, and 1H until 1 flash to select 1 second delay.

Tactical strobe at the slowest setting seems to be about 2.5Hz or so and can be increased to 5Hz.

Just frequency - with sinusoidal output

Exactly. I wish there were more. At Convoy’s it’s (say) 50% mode with 3 quick flashes. I’d love to be able to steer it somehow - program or at least some more to choose from

True. You need to play for a while to thet there. It not convenient especially having your flashlight mounted on the steering bar. Why not allow bacon for wider range of requencies? And a wishful thinking of being able to determine duration of the flash? I think the longer flash the less distracing for other drivers it is.

The general aim of these blinkies/bike modes is to be visible but not bother/distract other drivers.

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Just as a small proof-of-concept, I experimented a bit with the stobe-modes code. The differences can be viewed here: Comparing ToyKeeper:trunk...aslotnick:as/bike-concepts · ToyKeeper/anduril · GitHub

  • enable 1Hz for party and tactical strobe instead of the default 4Hz.
  • longer flash for party-strobe, from 1 ms to 250 ms.

These are very tiny changes. Adding configurability in the UI is more difficult. One more thing I might follow-up with is to adjust the existing bike strobe in some way, maybe randomizing the flashes would also be a tiny change.

I’m not sure if this is useful in the current state but I could imagine a fork that adds more biking-specific features like you mentioned.

1 Thank

starryalley’s fork is a great reference for adding configurability, currently 6C/7C/8C in strobe modes. In case it’s helpful, here is added configurable flash length based off of that to get higher brightness on my SP10 Pro. It also uses the memorized level for the flash brightness, allowing you to go above/below the normal MAX_Nx7135 without adding new variables and interfaces

It’s pretty slow at incrementing only 1ms every 7C though you could increase the increment amount or easily modify it to use 6H/7H, referencing the 1H/2H code there. Also that one is capped at 100ms. Oh and there is a 3rd variable for 8H for the “off-state” level which could be used for adjusting which range of frequencies is selected

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With the current implementation of tactical mode of Anduril, would it be too complex to add the option of assigning channels to the 3 slots on top of the levels? So, something like below for a dual channel DT8K, for example:

1H - level 80 using the flood channel
2H - level 120 for the throw channel
3H - strobe or full 150 on both channels

No, it’s not bad at all even if you have not programmed before (most of the difficulty would be setting up the build, and I think the work with docker others have done has or will make that easy).

The gist of the changes would be:

This will add an additional configuration blinks for channel after the existing ones for levels for each slot.

The channels to reference would be this list, though I don’t have a multi-channel light to test.

I’ve left exact numbers and code changes out as it should not be too difficult to understand what to put there, but feel free to ask some more questions and we can provide more detailed guidance if needed or one of us could make a branch/hex, but it should not be too hard to do it yourself!

1 Thank

Thanks a lot for the info!

I don’t code and can barely make sense of the anduril code itself. Although I’ve been curious enough to think about getting the docker setup in my mac. Just trying to get some free time to actually sit down and do it…

Per-channel-per-slot tactical mode is something I might take on as a project. I think due to the size it’d add it might not be able to be merged as a default (maybe an option to choose between either “current channel” or “all main channels at once, always” might be worth making a main feature) but I’m happy to have a crack at it as a mod.

FWIW, at the moment you can change channels with 3C in tactical mode, although that is considered a bug by @ToyKeeper (and also by me) and I submitted a patch to fix it, current tactical mode behaviour is to always use the active channel, but I definitely think there’s utility in being able to choose either “current channel” or “maximum output possible”, especially in terms of if tactical might be used for self-defence purposes vs just an “extended momentary mode” type use (e.g. light painting) then arguably the two opposites are desirable there.

TK, interested in your thoughts here, or if you do think being able to directly configure a channel for each tactical level is worth the space? Definitely it has more utility and I’m probably going to run that one on my own lights.

1 Thank

Channel selection option in tac mode will be awesome. I can help test it out if you ever get around to building it for a KR4 and a DT8K. :smile:

The builds are easy, I shouldn’t need to change any hwdefs, just the program logic, there’s no extra work in building for multiple lights once the actual code is changed, you just tell the compiler to build it with different settings. Will definitely post a build.

1 Thank

Diff for the interested: Comparing ToyKeeper:trunk...SiteRelEnby:feature-configurable-tactical-channel · ToyKeeper/anduril · GitHub

Items 4-6 in tactical mode config correspond to channel selection for each slot. 0C = use current active channel from ramp mode, 1C = use first channel, 2C = use second, etc.


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