Anduril ... 2?

That would complicate things when there’s 3C to add 30 min to candle and other combos for other functions. I could imagine people getting overwhelmed.

Looking at the Anduril2 code itself, the only two operations currently using 3C in Anduril2 are "battery check from off" and "toggle ramp mode". There's now a 5H command adding 5 minutes to a "sunset timer" (used by both ramp mode and candle mode) for each second the command is held. (Note: there's a very quick flash while you're holding down 5H, so you can get a sense for how much time is being added.)

….or has it been changed in v2?

Ah, it has changed, my mistake

No worries! I do like how the 5H command flashes once per second while 5m are being added to the timer.

As far as adding a few more strobe modes (which I assume would only be compiled-in if you made a custom build and enabled the appropriate #define in your cfg*.h file) do you think that having a longer list to cycle through, or having two different lists (and switching between them) would be more useful?

It's a max limit, not a setting. It's also at the temp sensor level in the MCU, not the outer casing of the light or where the batteries are.

Sorry, it's what I do and will continue to do. For the cells to reach the MCU's max temp readings takes time, in some case lots of time or may never happen - battery drains over time, reducing max amps, flow of the high heat to reach the battery can be long, may never get there depending on path or cold environmental temps, etc.

It's not a perfect system because we don't have temp sensors where they should be.

Sorry, you are not going to change my mind about it. It's a user setting, user's responsibility. It's not a factory light, it's my mod. I've cranked up the max limit in order to get through 30 seconds and had no problems being able to touch handle of the light to turn it off.

Publishing your source-code and config-file modifications seems reasonable to me. But I do wonder whether it is a good idea to publish the .hex file as well. It is hard to imagine that someone would have the skills to use the mods safely but wouldn't also have the ability to build their own .hex file -- especially now that Windows has a Linux Subsystem mode.

I updated my LT1 and Q8 to Anduril 2 last weekend. I’m enjoying sunset mode and its 5 minute control increment. I also think candle mode is improved, less big swings in the output. Not sure if the code actually changed but it seems “better”.

Thanks so much!

I was specifically asked to publish the .hex file, not the source. I just threw in the source anyways.

Ok, unsubscribed. thanks

Could you quote the relevant section(s)?

Does this alleged “danger” apply to every device that this particular modified version of Anduril could be installed in?

That would be a stupid manufacturer who deserves all the complaints.

Hi, I’m a little behind on this thread… but it looks like something needs to be said:

Tom hasn’t done anything wrong. Quite the opposite, really.

He made contributions, and he shared them. It’s a beautiful thing.

I’ll try to get it merged in when I can. There are a few changes I plan to skip or possibly modify a bit along the way, but that’s just a minor details.

Oh my god. Hybrid memory is the feature that I’ve always wanted but never really thought about how to articulate or implement.

I greatly prefer having the light start at a fixed level (manual memory), except for when I’m actually using the light a lot and turning it off and on. This is truly the best of both worlds.

Can’t wait to flash this tonight and take it for a spin!

Anyone successfully flashed an original D4S with Anduril 2? I’m having difficulty getting things to work and have somehow partially “bricked” my light.

You always should be able to simply reflash with Anduril 1 to get back to a known state.

On the D4S, the pads/holes that you use for flashing, are you just touching the wires to the top of the pad or are you trying to touch something in the pin hole?

I had a lot of ideas of how Anduril might be improved. Anduril 2 is way better than any of my ideas.

Anduril felt like a fun experiment. Anduril 2 feels like a quality product. I’d be comfortable giving flashlights with this UI as gifts.

I really like it. It has everything I want, with one exception.

Why is auto-lock blocked in the simple UI? It seems like a great feature for the simple UI and it’s disabled by default anyway.

So no turbo in simple mode?

I think the point of simple mode is to replace muggle mode, essentially making the light safe to use for other people.