Anduril ... 2?

Not in regards to giving the consumer Freedom of Choice for Blinkies. Most of them can be turned On or Off, but

The Blinks while Ramping can Not Be Turned Off by the consumer. This IS about Anduril, Not Manufacturers.

Anduril also lacks LVP on single color Aux and Button lights. This IS about Anduril, not manufacturers.

There are dozens of options that can’t be changed by the consumer

You keep missing the point. :person_facepalming:

so, there’s an individual on YouTube who makes reviews who’s convinced that setting the voltage to 4.5v holds higher lumens for longer. This doesn’t make any sense, does it?

Ahm, well, if one wants to kill the battery by overdischarge, with all the perils associated, then it makes sense.

For normal humans, no, does not make sense. And is actually dangerous.

I would say that’s probably BS. The voltage setting, by and large, is only used for triggering LVP. If you’re hitting LVP too soon, the battery is really too weak and should be swapped out for a higher amp rating battery.

Now increasing the thermal settings
. absolutely!

Thanks for the reply. I was fairly certain he was wrong, but thought I best make sure.

I bet he’s testing it at 4.2v, then charging the batteries and trying again with warm batteries, this will always provide a little boost in output.

It will help by some degree. Under load the voltage will drop quickly. This is recognized by the LVP which will lower the level until the voltage recovered far enough. Increasing the voltage offset allows the voltage to drop lower and the “maximum” brightness (highest level) will be achieved longer, on the cost of reduced battery health. But if your battery voltage drops below the LVP threshold, the batteries are not suited for that light.

can you quantify how long is “Longer”, and how high is “Higher Lumens”?

Yesterday I did some testing of a new TS10. It arrived with a 35C thermal limit. This made the light step down from a Ceiling of 90/150 = about 240 lumens, within about 5 seconds, to a sustainable output of just 88 lumens.

I raised the thermal limit to 55C, and then the light would maintain 200 lumens.

imo, focusing on Turbo output is misguided, since it is not sustainable and does not last more than a few seconds

here is a chart from pol77 (white lettering are my comments), showing the output of his Ti FWAA with two different LEDs

althought both LEDs start out above 1000 lumens, and the 519a starts out 30% brighter at initial maximum, that output quickly drops towards a sustainable output. At 30 seconds into the runtime, the two LEDs are only 5% apart in output, and shortly after that they achieve thermally stable output of less than 200 lumens.

By the end of the test, the 519a had just 7% more runtime (efficiency).

I think it is a mistake to focus on momentary maximum output, imo it makes more sense to focus on Sustainable Output.

Yes, I absolutely agree with you there. I just heard him make the comment and wanted to know if there was any truth to higher lumens with a change to the voltage offset.

I make a fair few reviews on my YT channel and always praise the models that hold decent sustainable output over short ma bursts.

I have the Acebeam X75 being sent to me for review and the 80K lumens for 30 seconds isn’t something I’m crazy over. I just wanted it to show my viewers how 80K looks from my drone since no other reviewer I’ve seen takes aerial beamshots

that sounds great! I hope you share a photo, as I dont watch youtube reviews.

Regarding what to my understanding is a recently patched issue concerning single color aux lights and LVP, I just wanted to post what happened to one of my lights. After hearing about the issues with the TS10, I realized I had a Fireflies PL09-MU with red aux in a drawer that had gone unused for some time. I generally lock lights out when not in use and have the aux on low or flash on lockout, but this had been left with the aux on high. The light would not turn on. I removed the battery and checked with a multimeter. It was at 2.2V. So this issue definitely affects lights beyond just the TS10 (I’ve seen a Sofirn light mentioned as well, but I’m not sure where the info comes from).

It’s not manufacturer specific. It would have affected any single color aux. Thankfully that makes the patch universal though.

PS - that sucks about the battery. I’ve lost one like that too :frowning:

It was literary a brand new LG, charged only once. It’s all good though, my fault. I have been using lithium ion cells for years and know better than to test a protection circuit.

The aux LEDs not having LVP is not a bug I think. TK had mentioned in year’s past that aux LVP was not an added feature, although it was possible to do. I don’t know if it has been added since then. Maybe it was a matter of code space limitations.

The manufacturers could always add a PMIC supervisory circuit to lights with aux LEDs, to add LVP using hardware.

Yeah, TK had added Aux LVP for RGB setups. And single-color Aux had LVP if you used the blinking mode, but not a constant mode. SammysHP and I both have patches in our Anduril2 branches to hopefully squash that going forward.

A PMIC would certainly do the trick as well. I actually have a serial of illuminated tailcap boards that use a PMIC for hardware-based LVP. It seems like illuminated tailcaps are mostly a thing of the past these days though.

Oh I know about your tailcap boards, that’s where I learned about those chips gchart! Thanks for sharing those boards.

Ok, where sits the bloddy accent? Is that on purpose?
(Sorry, I haven’t read the whole thread)

Old Version: AndurĂ­l (on i )
New Version in simple UI: AndĂșril (on u )

My suggestion is: Anduril2 or AndurĂ­l2
Without a space it is the easiest way to search online specific for the new version and no accent.
or without space and accent on i.

Well, TK didn’t make the name up so if she’s going to do it right, it needs the accent:

Sorry, I shouldn’t post stuff at 2am, when I am tierred and grumpy.

Is this the only grafik for Anduril2 direkt from ToyKeeper? No full one? Or do I search wrong. Everything I find seems dated.
I found a Products list but many lamps are not listed
Sofirn SP10 Pro, Wurkkos TS21 are the ones I know. Are there more?