Anduril Flashlight Reflash Reference (UPDATED FOR 2024)

The first problem is pogopin for firefly driver…:roll_eyes:

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Isn’t it physically compatible with the standard (eg, TS10, FC13) pin layout/spacing?

If not, then try and jury-rig something like TK’s “code fork”? Selfbuilt's Wurkkos TS30S Pro review - #14 by ToyKeeper

Is 7 pin but only 6 are used. So Hank pogo is useful but I have to add another pin for the sixth used. If I remember correctly the left out pin is not used

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That’s where these HQ Universal Keys become really handy

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I have a run of those being made at the moment, when I get them and put them together I’ll probably be selling a few.

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Thank you
I think I can upgrade with Hank pogo. I have to use DuPont wires and connect them in the right places

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Hummrmrmrmrm… 4+3 pad layout?! Weird. All I know are 4+2 for the USB ASP (eg in the Hanklights). I faintly remember reading a post (from TK?) mentioning 4+3 as an “Lexel adapter” or something.

Thanks for the reference! But IIUTC, it only handles one of the rows of these 4+2/4+3 flashing pads, right? What am I missing?
EDIT: looked closer at the pics and it indeed have two rows. Sorry for having missed it at first.

@wolfgirl42: I’m interested in getting a pair of these, please let me know when you are selling.

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I have 4+2 and 3 and I used for all what I have.
There is a way to do it with Hank pogo because the first of four is not used so one is out from the driver and with a single DuPont I cover the third pin not covered. But I don’t remember exact position because miso mosi are inverted

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:+1: May I ask what do you use as the USB ASP programmer? Hank’s?

I’m sorry for not being able to help you here, as all my experience so far is with UPDI 3-pin flashing. Actually I’m trying to gear up for 4+2 / 4+3 flashing as it seems those aren’t going away anytime soon… :expressionless:

Don’t worry. I need to use better my brain.
For now I’ve mailed firefly. I’m waiting for replay

Yes, with DuPont you can use in every way is possible.

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Hank’s one works, as do the “USBISP” adapters you can find on amazon/ebay/AE (example) with the colourful metal cases when flashed with (which needs a working adapter of either type to do, as well as you to either solder or touch a jumper wire to two pads when flashing).

If there’s interest, I could get some of the USBISP adapters, flash those, and sell those as well, but I don’t want to order a load if people already have usbasps and don’t need one.

Then you get a pack of dupont leads, and use those to create the pinout you want on the adapter.

The usbasp pinout is this:

and the USBISP adapters are slightly different but have it on the metal case, and all the important pins for the t1634 are the same, you’re just missing one V- pin but have 2 extras instead of TXD/RXD (which they don’t support, I guess, but isn’t needed for t1634 lights).

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Thanks for the additional data, @wolfgirl42. I’m still trying to convince myself to plunge the necessary $$$ on a Hanklight, but if I get one, I will surely need an adapter and I would very much prefer to get one from a fellow BLFer than from Hank.

It’s nice to see that these keys are still useful to others, after all these years :slightly_smiling_face:

They made programming a breeze for me and I still use them, as I never found the time to transition to 1616.

I amended the HQ keys post and added the 0.8mm requirement at a more prominent place to avoid confusion. Hope that helps.

Happy programming

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Welcome back to BLF, @HarleyQuin, and thanks for designing these adapters and releasing them publicly!

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Is convenient to buy from Hank because you buy flashlight and pogopin in the same time

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No doubt. But my friends say I often do things the most inconvenient way possible, and I would like to keep that reputation :grin:
(seriously, convenience is sure important, but for me it’s like the 4th or 5th thing down the list).

I suggest but I appreciate so much when someone disagree :relieved:
Also I hope Hank change to 1634 to 1616 or 3216 but is not at the moment

A Hanklight appearing with AT1616 instead of AT85 or AT1634 would be the day I buy one with almost 100% probability.

Meanwhile, I’m investigating how to combine my first Hanklight with my first SBT90.2 purchase. Not sure if I will go ahead with that either, but it’s certainly more enticing to me than a non-SBT90.2 hanklight or a non-Hank SBT90.2…

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Yeah, good to see you around. Sometimes it’s weird as someone who’s relatively new to see all these names who were influential in early stuff who aren’t active, always makes me wonder. I know sometimes all it takes is a notification at the right time.