Annoying characteristic of new site

Although I do like the new format, i dont like the ads in the middle of the posting list. I also am not crazy about the font. The font seems too loud. Nice for a resume but not really for a forum.

My opinion.

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I agree that the adds are more intrusive than before.

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You can change the font of the site to anything you want with the extension Stylus.
I have it set to Georgia.
This is what you add to Stylus for Georgia font.

* {
    font-family: georgia !important;
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I will consider it necessary to block the ads as long as they are appearing mid-thread. That’s too much.

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I downloaded Stylus to Firefox 110, but I can’t figure out how to use it. I can find it in the add-on manager, but there is no way to do anything with it. I can tell it to get updates automatically or not, remove or report. That’s all there is.

Edit: I just found a tutorial video and…no. That stuff is WAY over my head. They might as well be speaking another language. I guess I’ll just live with this dumb font.

If you’re on BLF, and you click on the Stylus icon, do you have options?
For my version of Stylus, I click on “Write style for budgetlightforum.”

There is no Stylus icon. I can only find it in the add-on manager.

I just installed Stylus for Firefox.
You have to click on the Extensions icon, click on the Stylus options icon, then click on “Pin to toolbar.”

I don’t have an extensions icon either. I can get to the list of ‘manage your extensions’ in the add-ons manager, but that doesn’t open anything.

Okay, I don’t know then.
Maybe you have a different version of Firefox than me? :thinking:

It says version 110.0 64-bit. Thanks for trying, anyhow.

Okay, I updated my Firefox.
The Extensions icon is in the top right corner.
If you hover your mouse over it, it’ll say “Extensions”.
It looks like a piece to a jigsaw puzzle.

There is a box with 3 horizontal lines in the top right corner, it gives a list of things if I click on it, but no Stylus.

The Extensions icon is directly to the left of the 3 horizontal lines.

Just empty toolbar.

You might have to change your settings for Firefox.
I rarely use Firefox, and I think my settings are the default settings, but I could be wrong.

It’s OK. Thanks for trying to help.

The ads in the middle of the thread are really distracting. That’s the only thing I really don’t like in the update. Plus, when the ad rotates it makes the whole thread jump when they’re different sizes and that’s really distracting as well. I understand the needs for the ads, but can we get rid of/ move the one that shows up in the middle of the thread?

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Hi everyone, thanks for the observations.

Regarding the ads, I’m really sorry if they give the impression of being more pushy now. That really wasn’t my intention. It’s because the new site now adapts to smaller screens where there is no sidebar. Also there is currently no way to put images in the sidebar. So all of the ads had to become horizontal instead of vertical. I really did try to avoid making them annoying by putting the top two spaces in the header, and then the third space is below the first post in the thread, where the post flow is already interrupted by the the “created”, “last reply” “views” etc. information bar. After that there are no more integrated banners within the reply posts.

Sorry about that one that is bigger than the others, it’s just a temporary fix until the manufacturer creates a horizontal one in the proper size. But the ads aren’t supposed to “rotate” or change unless you navigate to another page, so if you could send me a screenshot of what’s happening that would be helpful.

As a curmudgeonly old guy who is resistant to change, I just have to chime in here:

I love that the ‘relative-age’ of each post is dynamic. If you leave a tab open on a topic, the times don’t get stale.
No, I haven’t wasted any time just staring at a ‘17m’-old post waiting for it to jump to ‘18m.’ That would just be crazy.

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