Hey guys… looks like approximately half of the flashlight community already has this flashlight, and half of those have reviewed this. But here’s mine- which Gear Best sent me for review. While it’s true there are a ton of cheap bright lights on eBay, none can beat this quality for this price. Probably the nicest high lumen light, per dollar that you can get- not counting the M6 from Mountain Electronics. While I did not get the 3800 lumen output listed, I did get a very respectible 3200ish. All of my other lights that put out this much light hover near $100 or more. About the only thing I’d like to put on a wishlist are spare o-rings, and a .5-1 lumen mode. The user interface is great, the tint it nice, the anodization is killer… It really has it all. The light is pretty big though. In this review I do beamshots between a lot of other big lights, and two runtime tests.
Anyway, without further ado.
And here is the link they sent me to use. It’s not an affiliate link, but I guess it links it to my BLF user name: http://goo.gl/omS2Ys
Thank you for the review and I ordered this flashlight on July 9th.
Battery length, the positive terminal making contact with another cell when in series, and using ‘protected’ batteries should be a consideration in using this flashlight.
IIRC the 5000K version has a N2 bin, because that was the only version of the neutral tint of the Xhp 70 Simon could get. I think GearBest got it wrong in their description.