A buddy showed me the Coast G450 light that he picked up from Home Depot. Its the first time I got to look at the Coast adjustable TIR and it had a very nice flood and decent throw. I wish I had taken pictures of the beamshot. Sadly the flashlight uses 6xAA which is a no go, and I want to pick something similar that works with 18650 batteries. I found this thread, and it appears the Led Lenser’s TIR is very similar, if not superior to Coast’s. I’m not a fan of the standard zoomies, but I’d love to find a 1000+ lumen flashlight with Coast or Led Lender’s TIR at a reasonable price.
Led lesners, led lenses, led lender's… did you say led losers? :-D Cheap easy joke of course.
Did I say patents are bad? Patents are bad. The whole system needs a root based change. People can't live crazily looking to see if someone else registered an idea in a system, this causes heaps of people, corporations to be chasing patents which, like parasites, live at the expense of others. Those who think this bears no consequences is wrong, karma always hits.
Ideas and knowledge belong to anyone who devises them and anyone which he/she shares it with. This is very easy to understand. Knowledge must be free.
People please trim off any quotes you make, it already looks unnecessarily heavy on a smartphone screen. Thanks. :-)
I haven’t tried a LED Lenser zoomable system flashlight yet, but someone mentioned the YLP Falcon FH5 (2x AA zoomable headlamp) has relatively little loss in lumens while zooming in/out.
I have a Falcon F15 which probably has the same lens as FH5.
It’s partially frosted which reduces throw slightly. But it’s OK. Flashlight build quality is good too. But it’s glued. And zooming works slow which is a big deal with a handheld zoomie but not with a headlamp.
P3R is on a sale here for $24.5 shipped. But as soon as Jan payment reaches my account I’m ordering P3 AFS/P for $40. P3R is much brighter, rechargeable and I suspect it has a metal pill.
The reason is that the P3 AFS/P is already huge for AAA light and P3R is over the line.
Pelican also has a number of TIR zoomies. Like Led Lenser they tend to have a large aspheric part.
5010 (2xAA) :
5020 (4xAAA):
There’s also 5000 (2xAAA), I’m not sure but I think it’s aspheric rather than TIR: