Thanks for giving us an opportunity to comment on a new light . BLF giveaways are a perfect way to say hello to a group of people interested in the newest thing out .
I like a dual switch light because you can easily peel at something quickly and be done with it .
Welcome to BLF
I have a Sofirn SP31 V2.0 w/dual switch. I’ve really come to like that layout. If the T02 won’t tailstand, that will be a deal breaker for myself & many others. Also, what color temp emitter?
Yeah, no offense, but I wouldn’t buy this flashlight for myself.
If I win it, though, I’ll give it to my family.
They’re not as picky as me, and I’m sure they would love it.
I think you can clearly see the trouble with the charging port cover in the unboxing video. It loos like it got already ripped off, otherwise there wouldn’t be a hole. I’m also surprised to see in the description that it should be IPX8 without the cover:
USB Port Internal Waterproof: APLOS’ unique tech makes your torch level 8 waterproof even if you forget to cover the USB port cap.
I wonder how this can work with the hole and everything else.
Love the switch set-up. A rear clicky with a forward adjustment button is great for working in the dark in the winter. Inability to tail-stand is less than perfect but not a deal-breaker for me the with my needs in a work light. Good luck!
Fortunately or unfortunately most Chinese lights are made by two or three companies. How many S2+'s have you seen with a different name on them.
Its not necessarily a bad thing or a misleading thing. You just have to known this exists and make your purchases accordingly.
Some time ago a company named Seeknight made S2+ clones for 30% less than Convoy. They sold the crap out of them, then I am assuming they got a cease and desist order and stopped.
Copying is totally normal for the Chinese. In the recent past they not only copied the iPhone but also the entire Apple store.
The specs are alright, the design seems nice and the logo on the button looks kinda cool. Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about the build quality and overall construction of this light. You should definitely explain the UI better.
Thanks for the GAW, APLOS! I really hope you will be successful!
I like the dual use of switches for different modes. Personally, I prefer side switches for daily use- which you can do with this model.
Being waterproof- even if the USB cover is forgotten- is a big plus.
Like the others have mentioned, some run times for each mode and graphs showing how long before it steps down- to control the LED temperature- would be good.