【APLOS GAW】APLOS New T02 1800 lumen Giveaway(closed)

Its great to see a new brand in the market, the SFT-40 is an awesome LED plenty of lumens while having good throw great choice.

Thanks for the giveaway.

What new brand have you found?

This looks like a rebranded Sofirm or Wurrkos.

There is no innovation there.

What is the end date of this giveaway?

1 Thank

Hello APLOS, welcome to BLF.
And thank you for starting with a giveway, we always appreciate that.

We also appreciate light makers who engage with the community and are open to our suggestions.

Are you one of them? We’ll see. :wink:

As to the T02, I can’t comment on tactical use because I’m far from that. But for outdoor (as well as indoor) I strongly prefer a high CRI warm LED. Yes, even in a throwy light.
Also, Andruil would be a much preferred UI.

Looks interesting for sure! Very excited to see what the smaller head size (compared to similar sft-40 throwers) does for the beam amd range.

Looks interesting, if i win i would do an impressions review

I have a Sofirn dual-switch light & like it. I’d like more info on the T02 driver, mode output, memory & such.

Thanks for the GAW.


So would I. And I would try not to come across as someone who has never seen a flashlight before.

PS. not referring to you: @Bort

awesome! i remember the dive light you guys had similar to another brand but it had warmer cct. i like the warmer lights.

never had dual switch. interesting

Love the dual clip and the dual switches. Lots of unique features on this light.

THX for the Giveaway.

I have taken a look on your website, and it is missing a lot of technical details.
Many lights are missing some critical information such as battery type(size), output levels for other modes (not only max power), beam angle and distance, emitter type and tint etc
For some users this information is crucial, consider adding it to all of your models.

It seems T02 is on sale now on AliExpress, saw it for 23$.

Thank you for the giveaway! The APLOS T02 looks like a nice light. I like the texture on the tube.

welcome to the forum and thanks for the giveaway! looks like a nice light and love the addition of a deep carry clip

I wonder the same … When ends this gaw

Hello Henk4U2,

Thank you for the warm welcome and for taking the time to watch our unboxing video. We appreciate your detailed observations about the APLOS flashlight.


Thank you for your follow-up questions and observations. We appreciate your interest in our flashlight design.

Regarding the dual switch configuration, it’s true that tail switches are commonly used for tactical flashlights. However, dual switches, with a combination of tail and side switches, offer added versatility.


Thank you for your positive feedback and your preference for the SFT40 LED emitter. We’re glad to hear you like it.

Yes, you can indeed access turbo mode by double-clicking from any mode, whether it’s low, medium, or high. This feature is designed to provide quick access to maximum brightness when needed.


  1. In the off state, lightly press the tail button to enter the memory gear, let go to close; re-press the tail button to enter the power-on lock.
  2. In the off state, quickly double-click the tail button (not into the lock button), directly into the extremely bright gear, into the extremely bright and then re-press the tail button is locked in the power-on state, click to enter the regular gear cycle
  3. In the power-on state, press the tail switch again and release to unlock the power-on state into the power-off state.
  4. In the on state, click the side button to switch gears: energy saving → low → medium → high → cycle
  5. In the power-on state, quickly double-click the side button to turn on Turbo, click to return to the original state
    Under the power-on state, quickly triple-click the side button to open Strobe, triple-click again → SOS gear → cycle, click to return to the original state, double-click to enter Turbo

Is the GAW still running?

1 Thank