【APLOS GAW】APLOS New T02 1800 lumen Giveaway(closed)

Yes, GAW will end tomorrow, at which time we will randomly select 5 commenters to receive gifts.

1 Thank

First time hearing of your brand, but the Aptos T02 looks like a decent flashlight to enter the market with.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Welcome to BLF, Aplos
This light looks nice!

Pretty good choice with an SFT40. I can use this new Aplos light!

Welcome to BLF. The light looks great. Would love a chance to test it out Especially if you have the SFT40 in there.

It’s always good to see new budget brands come onto the scene, especially when they interact with the flashlight community.

I’m seeing some similarities between your lights and existing budget brands, but I hope you’ll bring your own unique take on what a budget flashlight should be! So far your LED choice and designs have looked solid.

Well I guess that gives me a minute to sneak in before the buzzer.

I like the look of the light. The dual switch design makes a lot of sense for a light of that size. I used to have a dual switch light of similar construction, but it could not run on rechargeable Li-ion cells, so this one would probably be a better choice.

Nice mini thrower

Hello everyone, thank you very much for your support, APLOS will be doing more GAWs in the future, let’s do the raffle now.

1 Thank

All participating lists and final corresponding numbers:

(The giveaway is continuing. Good luck to you all!)

#1 - [Henk4U2]
#2 - [phouton]
#3 - [Kazik]
#4 - [Lightweightled]
#5 - [samgalax]
#6 - [manithree]
#7 - [themadtoker]
#8 - [Mandrake50]
#9 - [SIGShooter]
#10 - [An1maL]
#11 - [kokosnh]
#12 - [carsknivesbeer]
#13 - [Brucelee]
#14 - [INeedMoreLumens]
#15 - [GDF]
#16 - [YBF650]
#17 - [Oliverin]
#18 - [dhaccm]
#19 - [i42dk]
#20 - [pc_light]
#21 - [Boaz]
#22 - [raccoon]
#23 - [slmjim]
#24 - [Xerionius]
#25 - [SammysHP]
#26 - [zoulas]
#27 - [bushmaster]
#28 - [Cloudedpupil]
#29 - [zoulas]
#30 - [NeutralFan]
#31 - [A_M_K]
#32 - [smurcod]
#33 - [NeutralFan]
#34 - [Di_Joker]
#35 - [Maverick1947]
#36 - [everydaysurvivalgear]
#37 - [zoulas]
#38 - [A_M_K]
#39 - [Agro]
#40 - [kilonouse]
#41 - [Bort]
#42 - [slmjim]
#43 - [davy_jones]
#44 - [Cloudedpupil]
#45 - [m00nshine]
#46 - [YuvalS]
#47 - [Kazik]
#48 - [bigm]
#49 - [joran05j]
#50 - [korpzgrinda]
#51 - [brad]
#52 - [Nachtfeuerzeug]
#53 - [peabody]
#54 - [Serlite]
#55 - [CoolBreeze135]
#56 - [Sk9]



**Congrats to all winners ! Please send PM me for shipping instructions

7 Thanks

Thanks APLOS!!

PM sent

Thank you for the GAW and congrats to the other winners.
Enjoy the flashlight :slight_smile:

Congrats to the winners! :partying_face:

Congrats to the winners, and thanks APLOS for running this!

Thanks for GAW and congratulations to winners!

Congratulations on winning! So far, these three winners have not contacted me.

Thanks for the opportunity. PM sent!

Hi @APLOS , thanks for running the generous give away. I’ve sent you a message.

Congratulations to all the winners!

3 Thanks