April Fools Giveaway. We have a WInner!

I am in

Count me in please
I never own a HD2010

I've got an A60 and a UF T20,waiting to be modded,but no HD2010.Failed my first reflow last weekend,but getting there,so apprentice modder.Good luck to all.

Pretty new to the flashlight world - have not done any light mods yet, but do have electronic experience and access to required equipment. Been considering a C8, and my birthday is the 4th! Woohoo! :slight_smile:
This is a cool idea - thanks for the opportunity!

Count me in! I meet the requirements! What if we mess it up? Will we be shunned? Haha

I’m in. Thanks for the opportunity for the Fandyfire modding project. It will be a first in modding for me.

I’m in, thanks OL :slight_smile:

I like to have one. No HD2010 yet. Cheers!


thanks i try

There´s no 2010… I’m in! :wink:

I am in. Thank you!.

Ok. I DO have an HD2010, but I will give it away here on BLF to qualify for this giveaway. PLEEEEEZ?!

I’m not an experienced modder at all, but I’m decently handy with a soldering iron.

This package makes me salivate for its completeness and learning potential for me.


Thanks O-L, still a newbie here and I don’t have a HD2010. I am awaiting for my C8 to arrive after all the good reviews about it.


i haven’t received my hd2010 from tmart yet, and i have only changed a couple of leds and drivers and removed next mode memory, nothing difficult yet.

so i guess i can be in then?

Well this will be my first mod.

Thanks! Count me in.

I’m in.
Don’t have a hd2010 and the only modding I’ve done is swapped a driver.

I only have 2 sk98 and one noname xm-l. All of them are moded so I can’t say that I don’t have some experience.
Anyhow I would like you to count me in. That HD2010 was on my list for long period :slight_smile:

I’m In Thank You