April Fools Giveaway. We have a WInner!

And (most importantly to me) THANK YOU for reconsidering that last requirement! Not that I’m all that “experienced”, but “this won’t be my first rodeo”. And I don’t have an HD2010 but admit to having lusted in my heart for them ever since Foy took one apart for us.

This will give me the perfect excuse to try one of those “PIC HEAVY” posts you guys do! If I win, I promise to strive for the high standards set before me!

^same here - count me in! THANKS OL!!!

I don’t have HD2010 and I won’t have it long after this giveaway is over :wink:

I’m in.

I qualify. :slight_smile:

Count me in please!!


Count me in, i’ve always wanted one of these lights :slight_smile:

I'm in. I'd really appreciate the chance to try this kind of work without messing up ordering the wrong parts myself :)

I’m in, but if I win I need some soldering iron suggestions. And probably more than a little bit of instruction, haha

I don’t have a 2010 and maybe this is just the “push” I need to start modding.

Thanks OL

In, please!

Pls count me in…would like to try this mod. Could be the start of a great hobby.

I don’t have a HD2010. I did buy a 40W solder iron 4 days ago to try jumpering resistors on my SRK but haven’t plugged it in yet.

- Joe

I’m in. Though I’m clueless as in how to mod, maybneed help from OL.

Count me in please!
I don’t have a HD2010, and I’ve done some modding :slight_smile:

I don’t own a HD2010. Have 0 experience modding a light. This certainly looks interesting. :slight_smile:

Please count me in.

Thank you!

HD2010… It would be great to have one!

Count me in!

I never done any real modding. In fact the only part of flashlight I dissected is the tailcap. I’m ready to make my own P60 dropin right now but certainly can’t resist a HD2010. I have watched your videos and they are very helpful. Thanks. I’m in!

Me in please. I have no idea how to mod. If that disqualifies me, all good. Just making sure :slight_smile:

Count me in pls. I don’t have this and never modded before.

That´s a veeeery interesting Giveaway for me. Why? I really want a HD2010. I´ve asked several times for good ones, good prices etc. People here told me about good option, but so far I can not /want to afford a HD. This one looks good (well, it´s from OL, right?!)
Plus, my only modding experience is soldering a driver to a LED and “installing” aluminium wrap to dropins…

Aaaaaand the throwiest light I have is a L2m…

I´m so much in : )

I don´t want to destroy this giveway, but how much would I need to pay for the parts to build my own?