NASA increases the chance of ‘city-destroying’ asteroid hitting Earth.
1 in 38. Them’s the odds.
NASA increases the chance of ‘city-destroying’ asteroid hitting Earth
All the Best, Jeff
1 in 38. Them’s the odds.
NASA increases the chance of ‘city-destroying’ asteroid hitting Earth
All the Best, Jeff
I guess the good news is that if it does hit, there will only be about a 26 mile damage radius, so it shouldn’t be too hard to get away from the danger zone.
The dust from the impact will most likely be a problem for some time. If the impact is in the ocean it’ll create a tsunami several kilometers high.
My 5 year life expectancy number is probably less than 50% so I guarantee I’m not stressed at all about the potential astroid impact
Surfers are looking forward to that. I’ll avoid buying a beach house.
Given how the world is currently going, I’m starting to hope it will hit my village. Or maybe Davos when all of the world’s politicians are gathering for their big powwow.
As time goes by, the accuracy of the probability calculation will increase. The latest calculations show a decreasing chance of a hit. It’s now about 1.5%. And some type of forecast; future calculations most certainly will lead to lower probabilities.
So hurry up guys. This may be your last chance to Goggle the Streisand/Brolin house.
Not worried in the least. By then Ruckusmattster will have built a flashlight strong enough to vaporise it from a safe distance…
The last I heard, the odds were 1 in 31 or 1 in 32.
(I don’t remember which.)
I’m sure the odds will be changing many, many times before the day in question in 2032.
The calculations leading up to my post #7 were made day before yesterday.
Today NASA has published new calculations which result in a drop on the “Torino Scale” => 1 (was 3).
1 in 2,600 odds of impact, 99.961% chance the asteroid will miss the Earth.
The “bad news” is this meteorite will come back a few times (circle, you know) in the future.
The calculations leading up to my post #7 were made day before yesterday.
Today NASA has published new calculations which result in a drop on the “Torino Scale” => 1 (was 3).
1 in 2,600 odds of impact, 99.961% chance the asteroid will miss the Earth.
The “bad news” is this meteorite will come back a few times (circle, you know) in the future.
Maybe we could send up Bruce Willis in a spacecraft to give it a little side kick and make sure it hits Davos. Or Barbara Streisands house. Whichever benefits humanity the most.
(post deleted by author)
I heard astroids can be pretty painful…
Speak for yourself. With my luck, I’d probably get Donnie Darkoed…
When I was a young kid, we had an Atari 2600 with several arcade games, including Asteroids.
I think my favorite Atari game was Missile Command, but that game doesn’t hold up well in 2025.
Guys, they said they can send a missile to blow it up before it hits the earth just like in the old Bruce Willis movie Armageddon.
If an asteroid from space really did destroy a city and affect the earth’s climate for a while, it would be interesting to see how that reality shock would affect the global population psychologically and then that effect on politics and culture.
That thought provoking event would definitely lead to a shift of some sort for at least a generation.
Better stock up on toilet paper and canned food now.