Astrolux/BLF Copper A01 BLF Edition CODE NOW PUBLIC. $20 Solid Copper AAA!!!

Have copper one with varnish finish. How to get finish off to patina?

'Manker E01 AAA Flashlight 102 Lumen Nichia 219B LED' is the same light, but without PWM and no NMM

Try to rub it with acetone or nail polish dissolver. Better to take it apart before that.
To force some patina you can try to let it soak a few hours in crushed hard boiled egg inside a plastic bag.


If anyone has any Astrolux A01 Copper lights they want to sell, please let me know! Trying to find one for a while now.

So, I bought one of these a couple years ago, carried it for a short while and then set it aside so it could develop a patina. Turns out it came with a protective varnish or something applied so it never turned. I decided to remove the varnish and force a patina. Here is the result of that process…

And after…

It didn’t turn out exactly like I wanted it to, but overall I am pretty pleased with the results.

Mine had some surprising results too, using the Palmolive method… but I like how it turned out:

The surprising part was how it looks up close. The surface has a sparkly texture:

Will the s43s do the same? What’s the palmolive method?


Simple put, sulfate salts, like magnesium sulfate(Epsom salts), form mildly acidic solution that attack the coating.

If you want a much more powerful solution to remove the coating, put in 500mL and water and 500mL of HCL/muriatic acid.

Comes off much quicker.

I’m not sure, but I think Palmolive may have actually changed its formula in the past couple years, so new bottles might not work for making a copper patina. The original formula worked pretty well though.

sent a pm for the code please

The deal ended in 2016.

Is there any chance of somebody buying a coupla tubes/rods of copper and making some more copper AO1’s.

I think there would be quite a few purchasers.
And an 18650 sized model would go down well too.
It’s one of the NICEST looking torches on market. Bar none.
Plus, with above size. A side switch could be possible too hey.

Get away from their sometimes iffy twisty contacts. I’ve got 7.
2 have faulty twisty.
One is dead or comes on in low only.
T’other. a hard twist and wriggle, usually gets it running again
Others fine.

Yeah i missed this one too… wish they did a new astrolux copper light version 2 or something :frowning:

Try tightening down the pill in the head. It loosens up over time on some of my units. Tightening it down seems to solve my issues. I also stretched the spring in the tail in all my A01’s, which made them much more stable.

I suppose you could try using some loctite in the head when you tighten down the pill. That might mean you only ever have to do it once. On mine, I have to tighten it once or twice a year.

well…. you can still get a Twisty copper aaa Maratac

or a copper Tool w mechanical switch