UPDATE I got the go ahead from Neal to release the code for the BLF Edition. Right now, the Astrolux is still via PM only and feel free to hit me up should you want one of the Astrolux ones instead. PM me for the Astrolux code please. I have no idea how long the supplies will last or if they will continue production after the ones that are currently completed are purchased.
Code: ReManGA01C
Got all PM’s out, please let me know if I missed you. There are NO PUBLIC CODES for now. Please do not post the codes publicly to keep this group buy going.
Thank you all for your support during this…
Am having some PM issues, so there will be a round of them tonight. Tomorrow 04-14-2016 at 1200 GMT, let me know if you have not gotten a PM…
Code and links sent for the copper group buy. The code will go public later, after all here have had sufficient time to purchase their reserved lights…
Thanks for helping make this a reality.
BLF Edition Engraving will be as below, the other side will be blank (good for if you want to put something there). The NON engraved version will have the BLF Edition engraving replaced by the AstroLux A01 engraving. I will confirm material and report what I am told here, I believe they are all copper, but the pictures do show it looking like brass…
Production proof photos of engraving.
Just to clarify, the lights that are NON engraved, will just have the Astrolux logo engraved as the picture below shows. I am trying to clarify the BLF Edition engraving if it will be in addition to the stock engraving, or replace it… The BLANK lights below were prototypes and as of now all copper lights will have some engraving, the blank light pictures are only prototypes.
Member will34 has been working with Neal and I to come up with a good logo for this little light for the engraving. Here is what it seems will be the engraving on the Copper A01:
The + will be toward the head…
Let me know what you think and with the limited space available on this light, I think it will look sharp…
Another Pic…
Price is set at $20 for the solid copper version. Time is coming to an end to get in on this, it may be available after the fact at Banggood, but not at this price.
So who would be interested in some simple engraving on the copper light?
Something like this:
This is a classy little light, so I do not want too much, but I think the BLF engraving would be a nice addition….
Let me know in this thread…
New Copper pics…
UPDATE #4 New colors should be arriving the first week of March, so stay tuned. Looks like the original attachment point is staying for now as well, it is more than sufficient with the split ring they provide…
First picture of the Orange and Green colors, the Red and Blue should be the same as the Convoy tubes Manker did…. But I will confirm.
By the way, Neal is a mind reader, I had not gotten a hold of him due to me being so busy and was going to do this request today….
UPDATE #2 Neal was impressed with how many signed up already. He gave a code for the stock colored lights of Black, Silver and Purple. As noted, it is not much, but if you want a stock color, now you have a code.
As information on the new colors comes available, I will post it. If you get a stock color and want off the list, PM me and I will update the list.
UPDATE #1 As some have noted, this GB is not THAT much cheaper than the light as it is listed now. The light that is listed with the coupon BLF at Banggood HERE Is a GREAT deal if you want one of these stock colors. They may have priced these a bit low and they may go up some in the future, but do not quote me… So get them if you want one of these colors.
The other thing in this group buy is the NEW colors of Red, Blue and Orange. The possibility of Green was also floated, but that one is not fixed, the others seem to be good. I also spoke to Neal about one more modification on the light. The attachment point on the tail being changed to a larger, oval hole and the sides being pared down to be more like a shackle attachment point.
Like the one on the KD Buckle below, but contoured to follow the current end of the A01/Manker Boney
My crude rendering of the proposed mod to the attachment point. This is not really a tailstander as it is and more of a keychain light, so this is what I came up with…
Side view———————————————Hole view (hole in red)
I hope this makes sense, and it will be smoother in real life, this is just some crude picture butchering.
To manage expectations, lets shoot for after the Chinese New Year for the colors and modded tail section, I think they will be worth the wait. I will post pics as soon as I get them of any colors or the modded tail.
Blew past 100 in the first day! Thanks for the support!
Starting the list for a minimum of 100 for this group buy. The price will be $8.99 when we meet the minimum. The review is HERE on this light and I am talking to Neal about new colors as well as the stock ones.
This is a bang-up little keychain light, perfect for not only a flashaholic, but your non-flashaholic friends and family too. AAA is everywhere and the light compliments other AAA BLF lights like the BLF 348 perfectly on your shelf, or in your pocket.
The stock colors are Black, Silver and Purple right now.
New colors that we are going to see if we can get are Blue, Red and Orange, not guaranteed yet, but should know in a little while.
I told Neal the red and blue like the Convoy S2+ lights have and for the orange, I sent him the pic below. It seemed to be the brightest orange anodizing I could find. (not the A01 obviously, just for color)
Also, after the X6/K5 group buy is done and definitely after the Chinese New Year, I am told a solid copper model will be made. This is a ways off, but I am starting the list now. Price right now for the solid copper would be $20. Same Guts and modes as the Aluminum one, but a copper body. The copper will be non protected right now, so it will age and patina (raw copper). More on this later.
Put the number you want, along with the color for the Aluminum ones.
If you want a copper one, no guarantees yet on it, and it will be next month sometime before we find out, let me know too. In the meantime, buy an aluminum one to tide you over…
Bold wants Engraved BLF
0. Wrathbringer27
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Through Post #589