Hi all,
Total noob here. I fell into this by accident.
I work in a hospital and usually get to bed around 2-3am. I sneak into our bedroom with a crappy torch half covered by my fingers to prevent light waking my wife. It’s a dinky Arlec 9-LED fed by 3xAAAs. Arlec claims it’s 25 lumens. That’s fine downstairs after I turn all lights off but is way too bright when I enter the bedroom. Then I cover it mostly but I can’t put it down and do what I need to. Then when the batteries are 50% or less it takes multiple clicks to turn it on and often turns itself off randomly.
So then I tried my cellphone flashlight. Way too bright. Even just using the screen on lowest is too bright. Aagh!!! So I start looking around. Ordered a cheap Shustar on Ali which was meant to have a low mode. But they sent something even worse than what I ordered. By now it was time to google. Surely someone makes a low lumens, multiple mode torch that is usb rechargeable. Nope. Nada. Couldn’t find it. I did, however, find this topic which lead me to this forum…
Holy Mother of Zeus, I’m not the only one! There are some of us out there who aren’t interested in brightness. I want long battery use time with multiple low modes - no bright modes at all - in a quality construction. And I’m happy to pay for it. Torch makers - take note!
Now I start researching. I shortlist some options on Ali and research them further. I read reviews here, Candlepowerforum, some other blogs, etc.
In the end I decided on a Convoy S2, LH351D (iirc) at 4k and 4 modes. Still concerned it will be too bright, I ask Convoy if they can do a custom setup. Nope, sorry, no dice. So then I ordered a second S2 with SST40, 5k and 12 groups so I can zero in on the lowest settings. (I’ll keep the first one as a general use torch). They haven’t arrived but I know I won’t be happy. Now then… I start looking at the possibility of customising or custom building something from scratch that does exactly what I want. Initially, I intended to buy an Ekoras, disassemble it, learn about the circuit and then swap in some chosen parts. But for only a few bucks more, I bought another S2+ with exactly the same plan in mind.
But I also quite like the technicals on the Nitecore Tini 2 and the Jetbeam Jet II MK. Batteries and chargers - whole other topics that consume as many hours of googling and musing. Hmm… I see where this is heading.
Now it looks like I’m going to see how deep the rabbit hole goes………………!!!
Update - I have 5 torches on the way but the last 2 will be delayed because of Chinese NY.
S2+ - LH351D, 4000k, 4 modes
S2+ - SST40, 5000k, 12 groups
S2+ - XPL Hi, 3000k 7135*3, 12 groups (with additional matching 18350 tube)
(Terribly high chance I’ll buy a lot more S2s because I want one in each colour. )
Nitecore Tini2
Jetbeam Jet-II MK
Future interest list:
(…which I’ll add to as I get time. These links are just starting points, not necessarily the vendor/price I’d go for.)
Zebralight SC32
Sofirn SC31 Pro Anduril
Lumintop Tool AAA
Sofirn C01R Deep Red
Manker E02 II