Bad haircut experiences

I’ve been getting my haircuts at a local beauty college.
The haircuts are $7, and I leave a $2 tip.
The first three haircuts were great.

Then yesterday, I got the worst haircut I’ve ever paid for.
The guy that cut my hair acted as if he had never cut hair with clippers before.
It’s like he was afraid to cut ANY of my hair, and the haircut took a very long time.
Maybe the guy was high on drugs, or maybe he just doesn’t know how to give a haircut.

My instructions for cutting my hair are pretty simple:
Using clippers, cut my hair one inch long everywhere (that’s with clipper attachment #8), and taper the hair around my ears.
I didn’t realize how bad my haircut was until after I had gotten home and taken a shower, so I left my customary tip. :man_facepalming:

My hair was much too long, and my hair was not tapered around my ears in the least.
I’m not going back to any beauty college again.
I’ll go to a real haircut place, and I will gladly pay more for a decent haircut. :haircut_man:

I was so upset about the haircut that I had trouble falling asleep last night, and I don’t usually get that upset about anything (lately.)
I mean, it’s kinda silly to get upset over a $9 haircut, and I realize that, but I was still upset.

Do you have a story about a bad haircut experience?
Share it here! :grin:

For $7 if you leave with the same number of ears you walked in with that’s a good haircut lol

They’re all bad experiences. Hate all of them. I started doing it myself during covid, just buzzing it all with like a #2 or w/e, when everything was closed and never went back. Never been happier.

I’m not 21 anymore, I don’t need to look fresh for the club, idgaf if I don’t have a perfect fade. It’s so much better this way. Even if haircuts were free Id still never go back

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Yep I do.
I remember my first haircut when I arrived in California, Orange County.
My haircut ramains simple and unchanged since I can remember. Half the inch on up, quarter inch on sides and back. They called it marines-like haircut.
I’ve paid 20 bucks and the hairdresser tried to make it looking artistic at all cost. While that was not my style.
So next time I’ve taken electric hair cutter (clipper?) and a mirror and I’ve learnt how to cut my hair by myself.
It wasn’t as difficult as it might seem. The most difficult was to get used to the fact the mirror shows reflected picture, so when you want to move right you actually need to move left. That applies to the back of the head mostly when you stand if front of the mirror and holding another mirror to see head’s back.
All in all I quickly learnt how to cut my hair at 2 different lengths and I keep doing it up to this day.
And whatever you might think this is not for saving money. It’s just more convenient to me to do it anytime I like and the way I like.

So yeah, my last hairdresser visit was like 20 years ago at place located 9000km from my home.

Thank you California for this hard lesson :rofl:

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I used to cut my own hair, but I don’t do a very good job, so eventually I started paying for haircuts again.
I wish I could do a good job cutting my own hair, but it’s just not my forte. :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s kinda how I feel about going to the movies.
I’d much rather watch a movie at home than go to a theater, even if going to the theater were free.
I think the last time I went to the movies was before the pandemic. :+1:

I used to get regular haircuts, nothing special, until one time this one woman, think her name was Rose, gave me a haircut that literally everyone was saying stuff like, “Hey, lookin’ good!”, to the point it was a bit unnerving. Like, wtf did I look like all those other times I got my hairs cut??

Anyhoo, when I went back for my annual haircut, she wasn’t there, I asked, and was told that, well, she died (BC). That was a kick in the gut.

As time went on, I gravitated towards low maintenance. When I was a kid, my hair was straight and manageable, but in high-school, it developed a mind of its own, and any damp day, it’d stick out on all the corners of the earth, worse that the flaps of hair covering my ears would curl back that my head would look like a chicken with wings.

Got to the point where I was like f’it, just buzz me. #3 on the sides, #4 on top, then #2 on the sides, and #3 on top. Then The Plague hit, and salons were shut down. F’it again, I just buzzed myself. It worked, so I buzzed shorter. Oooooh, what a nice feeling! So soft like a raccoon, and I could “comb my hair” with a washcloth. The Ultimate in low-maintenance!

Then that became the norm, just buzz buzz buzz whenever I’d get a bit shaggy. I got a bit braver and am now into a sort of high’n’tight. Hardest part is not screwing up the transition, as it’s still unwieldy doing it one-handy while. holding the 2nd mirror behind. Worst case if anything goes wrong, just buzz the whole f’n thing to stubble, which is guaranteed to be even.

Oh, the bad experience. This guy who owned the shop I first went to, must’ve sold the shop and got a chair at a different place. Well, I popped in after work to make an appt, saw him, caught up on old times, and when he asked what I was doing there, I said I was gonna make an appt with Lola. “Hey, I got time now if you want…” Urg. I didn’t want to make him feel bad, as he was the owner of his old place, but wasn’t all that great as an actual cutter, but wtf…

So I let him. I told him in no uncertain terms I just wanted a quick buzz, but he was insisting on doing it with comb and scissors. “Hey, who’s the professional here, you or me?” I’m like wtaf?!??!? Like, seriously? I’m the f’n CUSTOMER, so you should be doing what I I I I want.

I got home, looked in the mirror, and my head looked like a bald tire with the steel wires sticking out. I spent the next half-hour in front of the mirror with scissors snipping the loose stragglers sticking up outta my head.

Yah, never again. I used to just pop in on my way home when I’d go to work by bus, just to see if they had an opening then, or if not, make an appt for around that time at night whenever. Since then, if I ever saw him there, I just kept walking.

Things are way easier now that I’m doing it myself. I followed around former stylist when she worked at a different salon, then went out on her own, then moved to a different location farther away. Each time was a chore. Then I started at the place I used to walk past and recognised the woman who also worked with/for Mr Bad Haircutter. Then when I was too shaggy and wanted a quick buzz, she was on vacation, and that’s what prompted me to DIY (DIM?). Soooooooo easy.

Plus, I can just rebuzz the sides/back whenever I feel like, and leave the top for later.

I always picture that scene in “Predator” where Bill Duke is just running the razor over his face to pass the time. Like, why not? :joy:

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True dat.

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I cut my own. I have a full beard and mustache and I just go from bottom to top with a 4.5 mm trim. Works great for me. Saves money.
Of course, I"m 70 years old, so there’s a lot more on the bottom than on the top.

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You crack me up!

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Wow, I wasn’t even trying to be funny!
(I guess that somewhat makes up for the times that I tell a joke that falls flat on its face.) :smile:

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Exactly, that’s why the forum is more enjoyable with you in it!

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Down to 1mm every one or two weeks. Quick and easy. Hard to get that wrong.

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Wow. Didn’t know I was missing so much “fun”.

Never had a bad one. Never had anyone but my mother cut it…

And it hasn’t been cut at all, by anyone, not even a mm trim, since 2012 anyway. Let it grow out to a long ponytail that summer and left it. My hair is supper fluffy and airy, not quite frizzy when clean, and I used to require a lot of work and hold… gel, spray, grease etc, and even then it was never manageable.

And no way I am buzzing it, there is a distinctive advantage to hair in Alaska! Longer the better, I’m warmer(never shaving my beard off in the winter again either, made that mistake twice and damn near froze to death…)

Brush it when I wash it, once a week and put it back in the tail… its tied back 24/7, easiest its ever been to Always look, feel and function the same. The rate it frays and breaks/knots and combs out, and falls out in general(have lost 3 inches or so to receeding hair line in that decade), is about the same as the rate it grows… perfect ballance.

The full beard I trim every 4 to 6 months, depending on how much I care to not be too scruffy. Scissors on a swiss army knife these days… No one but me has ever trimmed or shaved the beard(in… wow… 20 years.)

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I’ve had my ma cutting my hair most of the time for 20 years now I think lol. She never learned it as a profession, but does the hair for half the family, and does a perfect haircut in like 10 minutes.

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You have hair? The little I have left I cut with a Flowbee, a beard trimmer for around the ears and neck and a tri view vanity mirror. Takes about 10 minutes start to finish.

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Whoa… you’re like a real-life Samson! :joy:

$7? Damn. I was paying $20 + tip back in the late 90s/early 2000s for a flat-top, so when you figure in inflation, $7 is almost nothing by comparison.

These days, I just buzz my entire head with the shortest guard every 2-3 weeks and it works for me.

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I wish there were something like a giant pencil-sharpener, where you could just stick your head into the hole, let it whirr away, and you pull out your freshly buzzed head.

And still have both ears, of course. I guess that’s the tricky part.

Buzz. Lather & shave. Repeat as needed fo about the last 20+ years.

Prior to that it was buzz buzz every week or two for decades.

Prior to that I was a “hippie”.

Can’t remember when I last paid for a haircut.

All that time I have had a beard and moustache of some sort.

bad haircut: during the plandemic i cut my own.
first time was ok. second was bad. third was better.
still have the tools, but the local $11 specials are ok.