Just got a couple of new Banggood BLF X6 drivers and it appears they are not programmable any more.
AVRDUDE reports “target doesn’t answer”. It appears they messed up the fuses (or did it intentionally) and disabled serial programming. The layout is also altered, this might also be the cause for the programming error. I guess the manufacturer of this drivers changed.
I fear we can’t use this driver currently for own firmwares.
The BLF drivers from banggood are broken. I ordered 4 and the last two modes don't work. They flash bright then go back to moon mode. I'm not very good at diagnosis of drivers, so I don't know which part to replace. All lower modes work.
This is exactly the driver I’m talking about.
Btw., the pictures in your link still show the old layout, the drivers I received yesterday have a slightly different layout.
Currently not. To recognize the new version look at the off time cap and the 4k7 resistor which are placed side by side. They are rotated by 90 degrees compared to the previous driver version.
Fortunately, I know how to do it and I do have a hot air reflow station (although a cheap one...). But still, one Attiny25V is 1,80 at Reichelt.de plus shipping, I need time and patience to unsolder and resolder it. Just because somebody messed up (on purpose?!). :-( That's just a waste of time and money for no reason...
Do you care to share how you removed the chip? I've tried various ways from cutting the existing legs, hot air, massive solder to heat up everything and clean up afterwards. I like the hot air variant the most...
Just use your iron with a small chisel tip set to the highest temp. Heat each leg one at a time while gently prying up with a small slotted screwdriver. As soon as the solder melts that leg will pop up and you can move to the next one. Install the new mcu one leg at a time as well. Heat each leg till it squishes down into the solder from the old mcu that should still be on the board. If there is not enough solder left on the board, add a little bubble of solder first. For both removing and replacing use LOTS of flux with a little bit of wet solder on your tip. If your tip gets oxidize from the high temps, cool it down, wipe it of, and add a bit of new solder to wet the tip. At least this is what I’ve found to work well. Trying to get all legs at once is hard to do without destroying the rest of the board. That said, you can do all legs of one side at once by using a hot tip and laying it on the side. Slide it back and forth while lightly prying the mcu with a small slotted screwdriver and slide the iron back and forth till that side of the mcu pops up. But again, FLUX FLUX FLUX!