Banggood Interesting New Products

I put them on my request list tonight!

3x 26650
3x XHP 57 or 70 ( + 14 $ )

looks like a BTU shocker head

driver claims to have over heat protection…


Looks like LusteFire 3XU2-X3 (2013) shell with XHP50/70 conversion.

Yes I think so. If it really is the Lustefire/ShengJie then the head is smaller than BTU Shocker and TK70, but still good enough. I think the dark cross can become better with 3 x reflectors like this.

CNQ and KD do carry them.

DIY Digital Oscilloscope Kit Electronic Learning Kit

Maybe useful for reading PWM? Love the color screen but I am too lazy to get it assembled myself. Haha.

That looks like I could blow it up in seconds without even trying. :open_mouth:

Oh boy that’s gonna be helluva work to just put everything together. They should offer an option to sell it as a ready-to-use set!

yes, we also use the BTU shocker to change to triple XHP, but the BTU shocker no extension tube, that' s the problem.

So I want guys like u to help us decide if we should use the BTU shocker.

Does Banggood have BTU shocker reflectors?

And I thought BTU Shocker is long discontinued?

Regarding using either the BTU Shocker or the Lustefire X3 as the host to run the XHP emitters, this is quite a subjective matter and it should excite some discussions I guess.

Luckysun D80

Just saw this;

and the case reminded me directly of the ITP eos A3 titanium case.

Below the ITP a3 ti

probably just a generic case

New Arrivals for Lights & Lighting - The Greatest Discount on Top Quality Lights & Lighting Products at Banggood non aff
since there is is misspell in the name I try this link…

the 2x 26650 looks nice

if it is all copper as described that could be a good point to start with a 6V emitter :wink:

comes with extension tube for 2x26650, tail and sideswitch

XHP50 / MT-G2 to choose

the pictures show the 1cell setup also - but i have no confirmation that its a buck/boost driver …

shoplink (virgin) :wink:

Tempted! This looks like a good deal, tail and sideswitch, best from both worlds. What batteries do you recommend for this one? Plan is to push it at 6 Amps.

without knowing the driver i can´t suggest a cell…
(a “problem” with the JM35 single cell is a high Amp draw which triggers a lot protected cells…)

I will swap the driver with LD-2 and run it at 6V-2S.

This looks cute:

mhalens reviev
ReManG s review

both of the KL02 :wink: