Banggood - Is it time to ban them from the forum?

/\ …… Me too…… :+1:

If Mr. Admin doesn't PM you about your rudeness level, you're probably doing just fine.

(Though, honestly, I haven't been reading this thread very carefully.)

It would be handy to provide links to those discussions for people to see how this all works.

Remember GB just takes your money and passes your order around until they find someone who agrees to make/sell/ship something that’s sort of like what you think you bought.
We know they don’t check the quality of the stuff being sent out under their name. Painting the BLF name on the product doesn’t mean much.

That’s business in China, as the stories in any of the links from that search will confirm.

Hey, guess what — they’re building a whole lot of new nuclear power plants right now.
And we all live downwind.

Thanks. Thinking of getting a second account, but not at $40-50.

Heck, your good Glenn! You are one of the nicest people on this forum. :+1:

Like DBSAR said, anonymous sniping will occur; that is sad but it happens. Just let it be like water off a ducks back and keep on going. :slight_smile:


Don’t feel bad not to long ago I had 9 rudeness marks against me. They’ll go away one per 24 hours. I still think the system should tell you who did it and not leave it anonymous. Even better would be a little testicular/ovarian fortitude and send a pm to a member directly if you have a problem with a comment they made

Yes & Amen. :+1: … Anonymous sniping can get out of hand sometimes.

Hmmmmmm, you say…… “They’ll go away one per 24 hours.” That is good to know. :slight_smile:

After a recent “outbreak” I should be good to go again by about Labor Day. :smiley:
Barring any more unfortunate circumstances that is……. :wink:

Hmm, I just noticed 1 “rudeness” in that bargraph, and I have 0 idea what may have triggered it.

Looked an “my account”, “my posts”, “my threads”, nothing.

How do you find out what got someone all torqued?

A quick way is just click the link in my sig line that says “Rudeness Level”.

It will take you to the place that all will be revealed concerning your “infraction”. :slight_smile:

Wow. Amazing what some people consider “rude”… :smiley:

And from weeks ago, yet.

But anyway, how’s a normal person supposed to be able to find this link? Seems buried, with nothing else linking to it.

Yes, it is buried and difficult to find.

Mr. Admin provided a link to it quite a while ago, and I bookmarked it.

Where were we. Oh yeah. Should we ban banggood? lol!

I've had a pretty good experience with Banggood, though I haven't ordered anything from them in a while.

Back in May, I PM'd swi to see if BG would like to sponsor a 2017 NBA Finals giveaway, but swi never got back to me.

I got 3 “rude” posts. One of which was definitely rude but the others?

awaiting more rude points

I've got 9 rude posts, but they're all pretty innocent.

Lately I've been going out of my way to not be rude, and that's a good thing.

I see nothing rude in the 2 posts above. Wood screws in a flashlight?

Naaaah, they are OK……. :smiley:

@ Lightbringer…… if you cannot find it click the link to it in my sig line. It is there & gonna stay there… for me & as a “public service” to others… :smiley:

I got a feeling that maybe some vendors are responsible for the rude points……