Best flashlight for those starting out with Anduril?

I don’t have direct experience with flashing Hanklights, but @wolfgirl42 advised us that the T1634 flashing is less resilient: twice as many pads to keep in contact with the pogo pins, and slower speed resulting in a larger interval where an interrupted transfer can bring problems up to and including bricking the light.

Moreover, Hank’s flashing kit is 3 times as expensive as @gchart’s, and less available too (@gchart offers much faster US shipping, and @thefreeman sells his own version with fast EU shipping and can also ship internationally with reasonable costs).

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Ah. Two of the flashing pads in the Emisar lights have little holes in them and once you put the needle electrodes in these the connection is very solid IMHO. Flashing takes like 8 seconds IIRC. Never had any problems so far.

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Bricking it is still relatively rare overall, but it’s definitely a more difficult flashing operation both in ergonomics and precision needed.

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Do you have a store or is it through reddit?

It is to see them.

Thank you.

Edit: I think I found the store I don’t know if it is this one.

Yes, that’s the one mentioned. There you find “Hank flashlights”

2 Thanks

Perfect! Thanks.

I think the translation program you’re using might be failing you here, and I see in further posts that you have already found Hank’s store website, but just for the record, I don’t “have a store”, I’m just a normal user like you, not a merchant :grinning:

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I have seen a video of anduril 1 and Muggle mode does not use ramp mode at maximum lumens I think you can only use a maximum level of 800lm or 600lm for children do not burn or light up in the eyes playing.

Anduril 2’s simple mode uses maximum ramp lighting but no turbo mode.

I didn’t know that Muggle mode, but I liked it, it happened to me with cheap powerful flashlights I distributed the flashlights to my nephews and children and I had to control them because they put it to the maximum, It was before I met BLF.

Maybe @ToyKeeper can add it or if it is possible to do it in the manual configuration.

I love Anduril 2 without having used it yet and having control of the parameters of a flashlight, I have an S2+ with 4 modes and it is very good, but they are big jumps, I would have liked to be able to modify those jumps and the temperature ceiling.

Not even in the 12 modes there are tighter jumps, you go from low light to a lot of light at once.

Thank you.

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Yeah! :laughing: hahaha it has failed I mean if there is a store.
Sorry, I knew you are a user, I have to check the translations, I can read but not write in English.

This is a joke, I don’t know if you understand it.

One person speaks English to two people from another non-English speaking country.

And they don’t understand what that person says in English.

The two people look at each other and say to each other.

He sees the good of knowing languages and the other answers: well, it hasn’t been much use to him. :smile:

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You can give simple mode whatever levels you want. 10H from off in advanced mode. First item: Set simple mode floor, 2nd: ceiling, 3rd: ramp steps/speed, 4th: turbo style

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Well version 2 is perfect would be the Maggle mode set to the level you want.

I didn’t see it in the schematic, I’m going to check it out!

Edit: Yes!

2 Thanks

I love Anduril 2 it’s even easier than the 12 group biscotti mode I hate going through all the keystrokes to get to the one I want to use.

Access what you want with shortcuts by keystrokes in Anduril 2 in perfect.

It is a mini computer in the palm of your hand.

I don’t have any flashlight with anduril 2 but I could use it immediately.

I repeat amazing all should carry it.

But I still say the Muggle mode is missing.

I mean, if I leave my flashlight to my brother in simple UI it would have all its potential, but if at that moment I give it to the kid I switch to Muggle and play!

Instead if I modified the simple UI v2 mode as less brightness (Muggle mode), my brother will not have the full potential I would have to change the ceiling brightness every time I give it to my brother or a child.

Do you understand what I have written?

Previously you had the normal UI and muggle mode. With Anduril 2 there is the advanced UI and simple UI which can be limited to output similar to muggle mode.

Yes, but you lose the simple UI.

I mean it’s practical to have kept the Muggle mode in V2.

Because if I modify simple UI and leave the flashlight to a friend it will be limited to “Muggle” I would have to remove the upper limit.

Imagine we go to the bush I hand out the flashlights and I set the kids to muggle mode and the older ones use simple.

But if an older one needs the child’s I have to set the high level again.

If the Muggle option existed in Anduril 2 it would be faster pulse and for my brother.

A child! Muggle pulse and ready to play.

That’s what I mean, even if you can modify the simple UI to get it right again you have to modify the levels or reset the flashlight.

It is easier to be able to have simple UI mode, advanced UI mode and Muggle mode for children.

We do night tours in the bush.

With anduril 2 and if I had Muggle mode I can leave the flashlights to the kids if they get burned or blinded playing, they are not small but it is better.

Simple UI mode in V2 can be modified but it is faster if there is the Muggle option.

In an instant I have flashlight for kids or flashlights for grownups.

I could switch to advanced but I assure you that the older ones are the worst :slight_smile: it’s better simple UI and just me advanced mode.

Now to do that I have to modify the levels for senior or child use but I already lose the simple UI if the child’s I give it back to a senior it’s easier to disable Muggle and give it to them if there was the option.

I don’t know how to explain it better.

There is very limited space (16 KB for ATtiny1634) in the tiny MCUs that run Anduril2 in a flashlight. AFAIK you cannot just add new modes easily without running into storage space problems rather quickly.

I see what you are saying and understand. But there is a solution, just keep the Andruil lights for the experienced users (or those you trust). Give the kids lights that suit them. The right tool for the right job…

The Andruil programming was developed by @ToyKeeper over time with lots of input from avid flashlight people. So it is what people asked for. Of course there are hardware limits to what can be done as well. Priorities had to be set.

Of course Andruil is open source, and you seem to know a bit about programming microcontrollers. You could certainly design something better for your uses. I would be interested to see what you come up with.

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It’s doable, probably wouldn’t be way too much code size to have a build that does what you want, but the problem becomes when everyone wants their edge case in the main codebase as then it starts to become too large. IMO, the more pressing issue than MCU flash space is the number of slots for button shortcuts while maintaining logical separation of operational vs configuration modes, and especially if new features have to be added without disturbing existing ones.

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Muggle mode I didn’t see any function to it until I saw someone using it for children.

And that happened to me and I saw its function and I liked it.

We are talking about enjoying what we have on the field, if the function exists I will give it to the kids and if it doesn’t exist I won’t give it to them.

That is what we do now, the flashlights are only carried by the parents.

But I met anduril and I saw the Muggle show.

“I would never let a kid have my sms welding center nor my Fluke tester nor my oscilloscope.” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I can’t find the latest version of the anduril 2 sources anywhere.

The last one I get is from a lot of years.

Supposed changes appear in 2023 but if I click on the link it takes me to 8 year old versions I even found one from 2021 of anduril 1 but not the latest version of anduril 2.

I wanted to see the code.

I leave you the link @ToyKeeper takes me but it is very old although it says that there were changes in 2023 I do not see them or they are hosted somewhere else.

I was also looking for a modified version for convoy.

Thank you.

I found this but not the sources

I just found this, I think this is the latest version that exists.

This is just a fork from @gchart.

Anduril 2 can be found in the anduril2 branch: anduril2 : Code : Flashlight Firmware Repository

Latest development for multi channel lights can be found here, but only few build targets so far: multi-channel : Code : Flashlight Firmware Repository

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