Best SBT90.2 VALUE thrower? -125$

Well, you’re going to encounter that if you want to carry a smaller, lighter flashlight on turbo. Something has to give. Would you prefer brief turbo or longer high? Longer turbo just isn’t possible on small batteries (and the thermal management problems may kick in before the smaller battery issues do, too. Depends a lot on the light design.) If you’re going on walks with it, the simplest workaround currently is just to carry an extra battery or two with you.

I actually bought the P17 and P18 together. My plan was to test them side-by-side and keep the one I liked more. To my surprise, I liked the P17 more…my expectations had been the opposite going into it. Since then, I’ve had the stock LED swapped out in favor of the 4000K 90+ CRI version of the XHP70.3 in my P17s and L35s, and now they’re even more of a joy to use.

The differences there aren’t so much about convoy in particular, more just about different ways to drive an sbt90.

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True, I was only considering driving the sbt90.2 since that is the topic of this thread :smiley:

Ya we’re talking about the same thing…?

It sure does!

Anything to add about convoy sbt90.2? So far my understanding is L7 good, L8 and 3x21d ok but unregulated, and 4x18a trying to understand but sounds like the lack of temperature monitoring could be an issue.

I’m not 100% sure but it might be using the same driver as the 3x21A and 3x21D now, the footprint is the same and all 3 are FET lights.

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The regular 4x18a/2x21a uses shunt resistors to limit current to the maximum value of 18A

The 3X21D doesn’t and probably just estimates PWM levels during Ramping and gives full fet at turbo

I’m not 100% sure, would have to ask Simon if the new 4x18A/3x21A uses the old 18A driver or the newer “28A” double-FET driver. It’s possible they have changed it sometime between the review and now.

…lol what?

Looks like I had a typo, edited.

@Jeffgoldblum I’m sure you have something interesting to say about this topic and not just about my comments.

Im lost. But yes! Well probably not, but maybe. I just realized today that, unless I’m mistaken, there is no emitter called the sbt90.2. Luminus calls it the sbt-90 gen 2 officially. So flashlight people at some point must have just applied Cree’s naming convention to Luminus’ product and it stuck. Maybe because there’s no xhp90.x, and it feels like there should be? And I think that’s sort of interesting. I wonder who actually owns the trademark for sbt90.2.

Also, for the thermals, again I don’t have those exact lights so I’m not sure exactly whats going on there, but I do have convoy and anduril lights with this emitter and I think the issue you could have is if convoy uses their standard 55°C ceiling then 100% mode would essentially be an immediate stepdown, and even then it wouldn’t be fast enough or go low enough to prevent overheating anyways. So a timer, even though it’s not ideal, does sort of make sense here. They can’t all be anduril. And even anduril sometimes has trouble keeping up with how fast these get hot.

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