Best SBT90.2 VALUE thrower? -125$

This review gives some details on the 3x21d’s performance: [Review] Convoy new release 3x21D SBT90.2 thrower flashlight.

Based on this the output does decrease over time, but it seems to provide a lot of useable light over time.

L7 has regulated output so instead of slowly decreasing, it would maintain the same level of output for a while. (According to [Review] Convoy L7 || 2 x 26650 , Luminus SBT90.2 || Full Power Regulation For All Output Modes! || Beamshots)

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For me it would definitely be the Convoy 3x21D, fard to beat 1800m for less than $100!

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You EDC an M21C? Holster or pocket? While I appreciate the father throw, that is a pretty wide head to carry. I’m currently testing to balance a small flooder and a larger thrower, but I don’t know if I could EDC something quite that large without a bag or jacket.

My M21C is in my left front pocket of my shorts.
(I couldn’t find a nice holster that I like that fits the M21C.) :grin:

You should definitely buy Convoy from the AX Convoy store.

If you use matched cells and take them out to charge them, and you have to with an L6/L7, the only way that could ever happen is if you let it. If they’re imbalanced you can see it. If it’s dangerous don’t keep using them.

Those are only issues when batteries don’t leave the flashlight and there’s no balancing, or when owners are incompetent. It’s not complicated either. If you take them out and one cell is at 1V and the other is at 4V, don’t keep using them, they might be imbalanced lol

But then you’ve just wasted at least one cell (the one at 1V), as it’s no longer safe and would better be discarded, right?

That’s why I stated that I prefer a parallel setting, as it’s basically impossible to reach that kind of situation by discharging them in parallel – and to top it off, the batteries never need to leave the flashlight as charging them in parallel tends to balance them automatically. Or am I missing something?

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The L7 has a much better driver it seems, able to sustain over 3000 lumens for the entire runtime (if it stays cool that is). I would be disappointed with a multi-cell SBT90.2 light that could only sustain less than 1000 lumens

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No that was hyperbole. Is possible though. But ideally if you start with matched cells you would notice an imbalance start before it ever got that far. Like 3.7v vs 3.6v. Or even if one charges for way longer than the other.

Not a bad idea to have LVP set slightly earlier than usual though, just because it drops really faster around 3v and below. Just incase.

But ya, when series gets really unbalanced its usually if they’re built in or always charged in the flashlight, so a little imbalance never corrects itself and just keeps compounding and one cell might be getting overcharged and the other over discharged a little bit every cycle. If you take them out to charge and keep an eye on them it’s not inherently dangerous.

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So it sounds like Convoy has a good driver for 2-series, and not so much for 1-cell or 3 in parallel.

That led me to look at the 4x18a sbt90. It has 4 cells (2S2P?) and possibly the better driver based on this review that shows 1600 lumens for 2 hours and excellent regulation: Convoy 4X18A SBT Re-Review – Still Incredible – Grizzly's Reviews.

So maybe 4x18a is a good budget pick at $89 including cells from Convoy.

Edit: note lack of thermal regulation

Thermal regulation: As far as I can tell, there is virtually no thermal regulation present. There is a timed stepdown from Turbo to High mode after 60 seconds but that’s it. If you leave it on Turbo or High modes in still air it will overheat and burn you if you touch it.

Personnal opinion; I don’t mind humongous mutli-cell flooders, but a thrower is something I take on a walk to illuminate everything left and right like a kid for hours (I take long walks).

So that would be something light, portable, efficient and off course powerful.

Fireflies T9R does just that, and I’m not aware of any light that would do it better (please speak up if you know one !)
All the concerns expressed above about the brand are legit though.

If “borderline pocketable” is the criteria, I feel like I’d rather have something from Hank personally (D1K, DM11)

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With SBT90.2 inside ? Cool hotrods but nothing practical :slight_smile:

What makes the T9R more practical? The buck driver? That’s the difference between a practical light and an impractical light?

The lights are practical, they’re just not your preference

[quote=“ElectricDuckOnWheels, post:52, topic:220176, full:true”]So that would be something light, portable, efficient and off course powerful.

Fireflies T9R does just that, and I’m not aware of any light that would do it better (please speak up if you know one !)

Fireflylite T1R SFT40 + 21700 tube, which is basically a better built and fully regulated IF22A.

Acebeam P17 is another one with a really useful beam profile. It’s fairly throwy but can still be used to illuminate the ground in front of you as you walk.

Convoy M21A SFT40 is another one that isn’t huge, but man, does it throw like a champ (and still has useful spill.)

Fireflylite T1R SFT40 + 21700 tube, which is basically a better built and fully regulated IF22A.

Acebeam P17 is another one with a really useful beam profile. It’s fairly throwy, but can still be used to illuminate the ground in front of you as you walk. If you can tolerate something a little larger than that, the L35 is wonderful as a medium-distance thrower also.

Convoy M21A SFT40 is another one that isn’t huge, but man, does it throw like a champ (and still has useful spill.) I would’ve recommended the L21B first, but it’s probably on the large side compared to the others. It’s an excellent thrower if you don’t need to fit it in your pants pocket.

A practical light (in my book) would be easy to carry and would perform extremely well in a steady predictable manner on a long period of time. Just my own definition, fun lights are cool !

Yeah I agree

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Thanks for the propositions.

I have an Acebeam P18 with quad SFT40 (allegedly not pushed very hard here, but still, 4 of them), and I like it a lot. Reach on turbo = roughly T9R on high, but it doesn’t last very long. Spill is very large though, provided you don’t mind the petal shape beam.
I would need a single SFT40 to have an honest apple to apple comparaison, the range of the SBT90.2 is quite unique and hard to beat.

The P17 compactness is tempting, but I’m waiting for an L35 in the mail, which I hope will be another “dependable unicorn light” next to the T9R, probably trading quite a bit of throw for some flood.

I will look into the Convoy M21A SFT40, thanks !