BLF Kronos X6/X5 GB - Group Buy now closed.

I opened up both lights and found that each one has a threaded reflector. So the little Cu X5 no longer shares the Godmes T01 reflector, it’s unique now. :slight_smile: Both lights have the DTP copper mcpcb screwed down with 2 screws, the mcpcb now says KRONOS on it, matching the branding on the tube.

I successfully re-flashed both drivers to the newest firmware from TK, no problem. Working with TK on figuring out how to make it solid for various systems.

Of course, while I was there… I swapped out the 22ga wires for 20ga, put a 20 ga bypass on the driver spring. The tail is a double spring, left that alone. The X6 went to 5.90A at the tail and 1459 lumens on a Samsung 30Q at 4.21V. (up from yesterday but I used a 3000mAh Efest at 4.16V yesterday, rested)

At any rate, now we know for sure that each has a threaded reflector and a renamed DTP copper mcpcb.

More on the X5 when cells come off the charger…

What version was on the lights, and what version did you upgrade to?

I had to get this great set of lights.
I just ordered the AL set with the public code! I can’t wait !!!

Thanks Kronos , everyone that worked on this project and all BLF members :wink:

If you do this, please let us know how and what parts you used.

Thank you for all your help in this GB and for the update!

TK apparently has bat-vision, so I would expect something like an 11k resistor

I thought there were double springs at both ends.

I would think the same amount of current goes thru both ends. Therefore, the capability to flow the same amount of current on both ends should be designed as such? Just wondering…

They both had the previous Bistro version (Oct, I believe) and I reflashed to the January 2016 revision (edit: this is actually the November rev). This really doesn’t change the performance, only fine tunes the modes and groups for the options. Obviously, TK thought it was great enough to send them in Oct, so the freshened up version is just subtle tweaks because she’s a perfectionist. I only did it to see if I could, was perfectly happy with how they were.

The X5 with an Efest Purple IMR14500 at 4.20V does 5.03Amps for 1359.3 lumens. A scant 100 lumens behind it’s big brother. Obviously, it won’t run as long, but the very fact it can do it at all is a testament to the light and the cells capability. Puzzles me that the amperage draw difference only amounts to 100 lumens, different cells, I suppose.

Nobody really believed I’d stay out of em, did they? LOL

TK mentioned someday writing new driver code with

I bet I can guess where the serial numbers in some later GB version will be — in the code!

Now that ordered the light , any clue where I can get an efest purple 14500 that ships to Europe?

I already confirmed this yesterday. The x6v2 repository branch holds the code the lights shipped with.

If drivers become available separately, I assume they’ll use the newer code, and then I’ll update the branch to match what the new drivers used.

Wow, great improvement! Wonder if 18ga silicone wire would do significantly better?

With all the “stuff” in the tail cap, would that make the tail spring bypass (direct to the switch) any more difficult?

TK doesn’t like Turbo and such, so she’ll re-configure her own lights to suit her. She likes really low modes and a variety of blinkies. Can you imagine the whining that would have taken place here with no Turbo on a Group Buy light? Or a dozen blinky modes? Yeah, wouldn’t have been pretty! :smiley:

18 is probably overkill at 5A. Now, if you’re gonna build a triple or a quad, then yeah it’s necessary. 20ga handles what a single emitter will do, especially with such a short wire length as these lights have.

Edit: requested pics added of tail switch pcb set-up

Let’s wait to see what others think of the tail brightness. :slight_smile:

As is, the tail is bright enough for me to use it as a firefly mode and navigate at night. My lux meter can’t really quantify it, but ceiling-bounced with other lights it looks like it’s probably in the range of 0.02 lm to 0.05 lm.


So, about that tailcap…… I’d love to see what resistor value they used and what they used for the washer/spacer :face_with_monocle:

I’ll probably use the “djozz special” mode group on mine. It has a nice set of low-to-med options and then ramps up through high modes faster. I mostly use low (~5 lm), moon (~0.3 lm), med (~40 lm), and turbo.

But yeah, with most or all of the config code removed… there should be room for a ridiculous amount of blinky modes. Like, not just the usual party strobes in several speeds, but also more interesting stuff like a lightning simulator and whatever else comes to mind. I expect there will be quite a bit of room to fill. I’ll have to merge my cypreus2 code in with the bistro code though, to make it easier to cycle through blinkies.

WOW, those new pic’s are something else and to think Banggood didn’t put a tracking code with my box set, Yikes…
I did contact Banggood and was told to get a hold of them around end of week and they should have a tracking for me, they sure are GREAT to work with when something comes up, unlike Gearbest.
Order a light from them stupidly in December and the tracking number is no good, and they do not reply back to anything, certainly learned a lesson or two like glad it was a piece of crap cheap piece of crap, crap, crap garbage compared to what is coming out of this fine group and for me personally it’s Banggood forever…!!

Just like to emphasize just how happy and grateful I am to be a member of this forum,
So many great, helpful and SMART people here, feel really lucky that you even let me be a member,
OK NO wisecracks, wiseguys and/or wisegirls … :~

So Thank YOU Krono and the entire gang for all of your hard work, :bigsmile: :stuck_out_tongue:

I for one am not just happy about this GB, but very grateful that there are people of your Caliber and intelligence,
I don’t know how you can put up with some of the posts I was reading, geez seemingly ungrateful fools…
Should be banished for some of the comments I read anyhow…

Here are the two translucent boots. The pink one is installed in a beta sample; the clear one is installed in a production unit.

… and here’s the beta tail PCB:

… and the production tail PCB:

This is the two PCBs together, for comparison:

Thanks TK. Looks like the original prototype was one of my Rev3 boards, then they redesigned it in house. Much cleaner soldering the second time around! lol

Pretty cool, thanks TK!

Anyone know what they used as a bleeder resistor?

I just ordered my second set, expedited shipping this time, Hopefully it pays off!

I bet DB won't do a triple in one and post amp/lumen numbers. =)