BLF Kronos X6/X5 GB - Group Buy now closed.

Most likely, yes. The 2.5V reading is actually “below 2.6V”, meaning it could be zero. This shouldn’t be possible with healthy cells, and indicates that the driver has a hardware problem.

In future versions I should replace the 2.5 with 1.1 to make it more clear that something is wrong. However, it uses 1.1 as the error code for “above maximum voltage”, so I should maybe change that to something else too.

Regarding batteries and charging intervals……

I run down several batteries on a nightly basis. I prefer lights that have LVP (Low Voltage Protection) but the LS D80 did not give me a problem either. Essentially once the light no longer puts out satisfactory amounts of light the battery gets changed.

The way I understand about the charge cycles, and I could be wrong, is that the farther a battery is discharged the fewer charge cycles a battery will have but that does not mean the battery is damaged. I liken it (the Mah) to mileage and that batteries are spec’d for a certain amount of mileage (Mah). So, if I run a battery 100 miles per night and get 300 charge cycles it will be the same as running a battery 50 miles per night and getting 600 charge cycles.

I literally run the hell out of my batteries at work and have not noticed any adverse affects to be concerned with in everyday usage. At home I have only have 15-20 batteries fully charged and ready to go. The remaining are still sitting in wait in an effort to make them last longer but I am not so certain based on what I have read that I will really prolong their lives that long, aside from the fact of no charge cycles while sitting.

My C8 has distinct flower petals in the corona, while my X6es appear far more uniform. Both are okay with me though; the important part is the lux in the hotspot. My C8 gets me about 33 kcd while my X6v2 lights get more like 50 kcd. So, I like the X6v2 more (smaller body, brighter spot). Maybe the reflector has some imperfections, but it doesn’t affect anything I care about.

It’s a sickness, I know…

Shorty KRONOS BLF LE X5 in aluminum. De-domed XP-G2, at the present, MTN FET driver with 4 modes. Running an IMR14250 cell. :slight_smile: I didn’t have a retaining ring for the switch, or a lens for that matter. So I found a glass lens in my kit that was close and ground it down to fit. Cut the tail cap down til the shortened battery tube would press against the switch pcb directly. No spacer ring above the switch, button cut completely out of the boot.

It got away from me on the lathe, my aluminum sheet that was there for protection slipped and let everything fly out, got some battle scars on the light but not terribly bad. Hey, it works! lol

Just checked 4.16v and 4.17v

It may be time for an intervention. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol, Dale, that was quick :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: oops, Gj beat me to the punch with that emoticon….

Congrats Dale! You just won the award for stumpiest light ever. :smiley:

I wouldn’t call them imperfections. Since it has the function of cleaning up the beam a bit, I welcome it. And honestly after looking at a lot of my lights, most have those ridges.

3 for 3, that’s just like me, though for me, I mostly enjoy NiMH. On the third point, because I just picked up some new cells and have experienced the disappointment of cell resistence issues from my cell abuse, I am trying to change my ways, to be kinder to my cells, and swap them out before the lights grow dim.

Already modified it again. Pulled the de-domed XP-G2 due to it’s somewhat greenish hue and swapped in a Nichia 219C… beautiful tint now, 3.4A at the tail, 728 lumens.

Thought about doing a mini MT-G2 with 2 of the 14250 cells but these reflectors are so nice I didn’t want to cut on it. The tiny half AA size cell prompted me to do the shorty mod instead. Just like having variations on a theme, and the X6 has been a favorite for a while now, so of course the miniature version really works for me as well. Wonder what I can do with one next…

Those ripples in a reflector tend to bug me as well. I have quite a few that I’ve hand sanded in a top-to-bottom stroke to cross those machine marks and smooth it out, then polished back up to a near-mirror finish. Works well, and gives some satisfaction in the process. Tedious work, to be sure, but it’s a nice challenge. :slight_smile:

Well written, and I think you are in to some here. They normally says that a 18650 (newer) ca be charged fully around 1000 times. But when you don’t run it completely down, but charge like at 50%, you will get lot more charge cycles out of it. Is there is a linear formula, I don’t know, but allot more that’s for sure.
About the 15-20 “fully charged” batteries you have, they will drop in voltage under storing, so no many weeks/months before they are way below fully charged. But I understand what you do, and do the same my self.

Thanks for all the comments/advice regarding the problems I’m having with the lights. I’m not ignoring you, it seems there are some problems with the website that have been preventing me from posting any replies.

I have read all of the posts but don’t have time to respond to them individually and it seems I’m just going to have to sit back ’til after CNY with the other folks having problems and see what happens from there.



Hello all.
Got my AL set yesterday.
Excellent lights.
Some yellow smudge in center spot on X6.
Will try refitting reflector.

Big thanks to GB organizers.

Go back about 5 pages and read this thread, yellow is not bad.

The yellow can be a little annoying on some units. One of mine had a distinct yellow “comma” just off the center of the hotspot. The emitter was visibly a bit off center, too. I re-centered the emitter and fine-tuned the depth of the reflector, and it made the beam much nicer and measurably more intense. Afterward it had a soft yellowish ball at the center, blending smoothly into the whiter edges of the hotspot.

My other one has an even better focus and a soft yellowish dot dead-center. Its lux measures a little higher too.

When I de-focused it, the yellow blurred out and went away… but the lux went down too. So as far as I can tell, a creamy center is a sign of a well-focused beam.

My XinTD C8 has a similar effect, though the yellow area is wider and more blended. It looks more like there is a white circle at the outer edges of the hotspot, with warmer shades both inside and outside… and the outside has four perfect, distinct flower petals.

It’s a sickness alright, even my puppy has the sickness……

wow! got my sets of SS/Cu and Al from the mailman (after some nail biting suspense over the last week) and couldn’t be happier. these are awesome! thanks to team Kronos.

not trying to generate useless noise - just posting one more for the silent (happy) majority.

Noted and appreciated! :slight_smile:

Got my Cu/SS set finally yesterday. They are perfect, but much heavier than I expected. I think I will have to get an aluminum set for regular use. The only issues I have had with this GB is waiting for USPS to pull their finger out. My package sat in Los Angeles for 8 days before it began moving. Thanks to everyone who worked on this group buy, I can’t imagine how many hours you all put into this, but I really appreciate the results!