BLF Kronos X6/X5 GB - Group Buy now closed.

Aha, they’ve been unbundled (both emitters available)

Anyone know if there’s any difference between the two Cu bundles they offer at different prices? Maybe different emitters?

My two Cu X5’s have pretty much the same damage as Alux’s - I’ve reluctantly accepted them, but I definitely won’t order another set - I wouldn’t gift either one with this damage. It’s a shame, but some how the message doesn’t seem to be getting across, not from what I’ve seen or heard of — maybe I missed something?

I can’t take any more chances with Manker for sure, unless they seem to acknowledge the problems and actually try to take some corrective action. I don’t have much experience in Cu lights, but the Cu Reylight Tool light came in mint shape and properly packed.

That’s interesting:

If you buy a set it’s $89.95 for the set.

If you buy them separate it’s $49.95 + $39.95 = $89.90 for both, a so called set. :/ :stuck_out_tongue: 8)

So maybe this has been addressed and I missed it. Certainly possible. On my aluminum X6 in turbo every 30 seconds or so there’s a blink. A small one but it’s annoying. It doesn’t drop down to the next mode, just blinks. Happens over and over. I just tried it again and the first was at 9 seconds. Could this be the thermal regulation? If so I’ll just try to set it or turn it off but the blinking is bugging me.

I don’t get why a bubble envelope around each light is not done
And more protection arojd the box also, but two envelopes inside don’t add so much weight and no size.

Hint for those looking for 14500 cells in Europe: Xtar 14500 600mAh 9A IMR
I ordered those without problems.

Also big thank you for everyone who was involved in making this group buy possible.
I really like my Al set. The X5 is just ridiculous with good cells.

Ok I think I answered my own question. It does appear that the thermal control was causing the blinks. I went into config mode and turned off thermal calibration and it looks like the blinking is gone. Thanks me. :smiley:

Yes I noticed the same very annoying blink and the light would slowly turn down even when barely warm. Thermal control on this one is even more annoying than past stepdowns, I’m sooooo glad a turn off for it was kept in by our programming lady of light! :smiley: :beer:

Anyone know a code for an x5 by itself?

I am continuingly astounded at all the amazing functionality and user programmability ToyKeeper worked into the Bistro firmware. It’s simply fantastic. I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside every time I change modes and see the soft transition. What a treasure she is to this community.

This one’s for you TK! :beer:

No code available. Just a break when you buy as a set (Group Buy).

Ya the x5 as a single package def. needs a code.

If you can’t find any other code, try the code “blf” for 8% off.

Because I can…

Al X5 with custom heat sink for triple Noctigon, Carclo 10507. Nichia 219C emitters with 20 ga leads from the original driver. I know, the optic is a mess. A mangled attempt at reaming it for XP-L domed emitters. I don’t have any new optics on hand so this will suffice for now.

The copper sink goes from emitter shelf to lens, fills the bezel and pill with as much copper as I could fit in there shy of threading it. 21mm long top to bottom, 25mm wide (used 1” copper, could have stood to be 26.4mm but didn’t want to cut a piece of 1.375” copper down that far) Even cut the ramped shelf on the top to press the o-ring against the lens AND sides of bezel, works perfectly. Am charging an AW IMR14500 (red) to see how it acts on a freshly charged cell and I’ll get some numbers.

This is my 4th iteration of the X5. Cu Quad HI, shorty Al 219C, Al Aspheric HI, and now the Al Triple 219C. Gotta love em! :smiley:

Edit: As is typical with this driver from Manker, it won’t let me read tail amperage on the 2 highest levels. The light box reads…

0.4485 lumens

And this is through the mangled optics. Should be a little better in a new optic when I get one. For anyone thinking those top numbers look low, remember that it’s the Nichia 219C… not a major lumens supplier but a very nice tint with a low Vf. I’m pleased with it, the overall look of it and the output are very nice.

Edit II: Pulled a clean 10507 optic from another light, it adds 100 lumens to the output at 2159.7 lumens.

Also Lionwholesale in Pennsylvania as another alternative. Delivery speed was pretty good with my order.

Efest purple $3.59

It blinks? Could you describe it in more detail?

When I set its thermal ceiling too low, it steps down like you described, but it doesn’t blink. It just drops 1 out of 64 steps every few seconds. The step-down from 64/64 to 63/64 is the most noticeable though, since it goes from a FET-only mode to a FET+7135 mode (the 7135 increases resistance, so the step is bigger than others). It doesn’t actually blink though, and I have to pay close attention to see most of the step-downs.

When going between farther-spaced levels, it steps smoothly. But for a single step there is no in-between level so it goes directly rather than interpolating between.

Instead of turning it off entirely, another solution is to calibrate the ceiling. Give it a full cell and leave it on in calibration mode until it feels too hot, then turn it off. Probably takes about 3 minutes.

That ream job is actually pretty neat looking Dale.

Does it impact the beam any?

It allows for some odd spill that is unusual from these optics. I swapped it out for a better one that was over de-domed XP-L’s and it doesn’t seem to affect the larger die nearly as bad. With the Nichia 219C, the clean optic works better…

Beam has a broader hot spot, cleaner outer surround, better transition between hot spot and spill. Wish I could find a tighter triple but I guess this is it. Might try polishing some 10511’s and see if that improves it a bit. I know Comfy used to love those done that way.

Both cu sets received, fantastic lights especially the small x5!

Thanks all involved.


This is such an awesome feature.
The multitude of options (including that clever mugle mode when lending it out) combined with the lighted tail makes these the most advanced flashlights on the market I think, can’t wait for mine to arrive!