Welcome to BLF!
Welcome to BLF Tankist_20
You have a nice selection of flashlights :+1:
Hello! Khas, thanks!
I do not have the ability for languages, I’m a techie. I have to use a computer translator. Sorry for the inconvenience. Are there any people here who know the Russian language?
Да, здесь есть несколько российских участников, и некоторые другие могут также знать русский. Мне жаль, что я не из них. Попробуйте пользователь kiriba-ru. Он русский, а также делает куски для факелов.
Я использую Гугл переводчик.
я тоже
Just kidding.
DavidEF, It turns out clearly. I hope “my English” sounds no worse
Henk4U2, Greetings!
If I have know the would sell it as later under the name Astrolux I would only have bought the Alu set.
I’m a late comer to the BLF community. Is there any of these sets still for sale or are they all long gone? I have a BLF Kronos and an Eagle Eye X6 and I like them both a lot
Welcome to the community. Its fun here. These sets were sold out before they even started shipping, so if you want a matched pair you’d have to buy one second-hand. If you just want the lights and don’t care what name is on them, you can order them from Banggood under the Astrolux brand name.
Thanks emarkd
Is there a code for this still available ?

Is there a code for this still available ?
Ended 1.5 years ago, also sold out, you can buy the Astrolux version, same light with different name.

Is there a code for this still available ?

Someone bought it 15 minutes after your last post here.
Lol really
Probably read my post to you and then bought, you snooze, you loose. Price was $5 less than the original price. Would have bought myself if I didn’t already have a few sets plus several Astrolux versions not in the picture.

Would have bought myself if I didn’t already have a few sets plus several Astrolux versions not in the picture.
I’m still kind of amazed you got so many. I only have one aluminum set, one steel/copper set, and some prototypes (some of which were pretty bad).