Kronos sets, true limited edition BLF Flashlights. (Probably the last of limited sets)
Lucky to have SS/Cu sets #12 and the elusive #88
Kronos sets, true limited edition BLF Flashlights. (Probably the last of limited sets)
Lucky to have SS/Cu sets #12 and the elusive #88
In my book the best flashlights ever made for the price. Heavy but nothing compares for the price. If the SS and copper version were made by some custom maker it could easily sell for $300 or more in my opinion.
Sort of new here in BLF (and also quite new to “Cree” flashlights), so I just saw this Kronos X6/X5 thread.
I’ve read a few of the above posts (200+ pages now! I only scanned the first pages and most recent pages).
So, the BLF Kronos X6 is the same as the Astrolux S2 — is there any difference between the 2 apart from the branding?
(From what I understand above, the BLF X6 came with a high-end Stainless Steel variant > Astrolux SS,
and the ordinary variant > the Astrolux S2 is the ordinary (non-BLF logo) variant of the BLF X6)
And the BLF Kronos X5 is the same as the Astrolux S3 — any differences between the 2?
(again from what I understand, the BLF X5 has a high-end variant ==> Astrolux SC;
the Astrolux S3 is the ordinary variant of the BLF X5)
(is there a difference between blfx6 and blfx6-v2 firmware — I seem to notice while browsing and the Astrolux S2/S3 come with blfx6-v2?)
(Am asking this, since I note that the BLF A6 is the same as the Astrolux S1; but the Astrolux S1 bundles the 18350 tube with the package, whereas for the BLF A6, it’s available as a separate buy. Maybe the Astrolux S2 and S3 and some additions too or not?)
The first BLF X6 was basically an EagleEye X6 with some minor changes to the driver.
The BLF A6 was originally going to be an upgraded EE A6, but EE was taking forever so it ended up being made by Manker instead — an EE X6 clone with custom BLF FET+1 driver, mostly.
The BLF X6v2 was a clone of the EE X6, with a bunch of significant upgrades — custom BLF FET+1 driver with bistro firmware, XP-L HI emitter, beefier pill, screw-in reflector, lighted tailcap, and a steel/copper version.
The Astrolux versions only differ in name.
Astrolux SS now on sale on BG
I’m sorry if I’m being obtuse but I can’t find the differences between the X5, X6 (S1) and X6 V2 (S3) except that the S2 takes a bigger battery. The tube to convert the 14500 of the X5 and X6 to an 18650 is available.
What are the functional differences among them? Thanks
The X5 (S3) is smaller in all ways. Sized for a 14500 battery, with the head and reflector also reduced in size. Only the X5/S3 was/is available in solid copper. Also available in standard black.
The X6 (S2) is the larger size for one 18650. Larger reflector and head, allowing it a bit more throw, as well as battery life. It was/is available in Stainless/copper mix, or black.
For most purposes the X5 and S3 are the same basic lights.
Likewise for the X6 and S2.
In the OP, if you look through the pictures knowing the copper ones are X5/S3 and stainless/copper mixed ones are X6/s2 it will be easy to see the size difference.
The Astrolux S1 is the BLF A6 (not BLF X6), which is a totally different flashlight (different firmware UI)
Astrolux S1 = BLF A6, 18650 tube light with BLF-A6 driver
Astrolux S2 = BLF X6v2, 18650 compact thrower with Bistro driver
Astrulox S3 = BLF X5, 14500 compact thrower with Bistro driver
X5 and X6v2 are basically the same thing in different sizes.
Bistro has more config options and extras than BLF-A6, but the UI is otherwise almost identical.
BLF X6 (v1) used a similar host as the X6v2, but came from a different brand with very different internals. It was basically the EE X6 with a different label on the side.
Daggum…go away for a while and miss out on this awesome 14500 light!
Ah well…not too bad a price still
I cracked my astrolux s2 lens does anybody know where to find a replacement ?
In for both boxed sets
G'Day Oldtinpan,
This GB finished looooonnng ago.
Please refer to thread's title: BLF Kronos X6/X5 GB - Group Buy now closed.
Best Regards,
Sorry did not see that,Thanks for cluing me in
Whats the likely hood of another batch of these, looking for another copper one, but the Astrolux sc seems to be finished, any other alternatives?
Any other brand making them?
It doesnt look so, was probably a very limited run, once sold out well byebye…
Looking for a 2 wood box sets. Came to flashlight collecting late. Otherwise, I would have jumped on it.