BLF logo

You make a good point and I was thinking about that every time I was designing something. I like the concept of a "stylized letter smashed" logo as representation for a business if it's simple and tastefully done because it's easily recognizable and can be copied easily. However, in this case we almost need something a little more fun and goofy, yet still professional looking. I'm also a fan of truly unique logo's/branding. Maybe we can refine the stick man concept a little more? Sorry... maybe I'm taking this more seriously than others. I get interested in this sort of stuff (branding). :)

Maybe if you give the letters a perspective distortion it will look less flat but still clean and simple. Wouldn't spend to much effort in the stick guy as i really like it now, spontaneous :d

I thought he needed a hat...

Sorry scheven, i tweaked it a bit so it's not quite as spontaneous. Funny though that we were both thinking the same thing about the letter perspective. I read that when I came back to post this.

Hehe that is looking very nice!


vertigo's stick guy is definitely a winner. This is the best logo I've ever seen. Like Lang said, it's not a variation of every other lame flashlight logo. Possibly, just maybe a change of font.


Whatever logo is eventually chosen should have on it somewhere so that non-flashlight people will know what BLF means. Plus at the same time we will be advertising for BLF. I myself would rather have a hat or a t-shirt with the logo on it but of course I wouldn’t mind more BLF flashlights.

I like this one for a hat or a t-shirt.

...where Frugal meets with Flashlight!

a little bit of text will work

Can't get the "...where Frugal meets with Flashlight!" on it, can make the logo smaller...

I think the tag line "where frugal meets with flashlight" could be left off of printing on flashlights and be better used on websites, t-shirts, etc. It gets too messy in such a confined area. Also, my vote would go to the font used in the last four samples because it's less distracting from the logo. I think the "BLF" font works well with the stick guy theme

sticky guy should be a revision of the revised version :): flashlight lil' bit more accentuated and i would make the sticky guy skinnier like it was and maybe without the hat

I still think this one looks best

yeah, me too. i even like how his head isn't on straight. i would remove the tailcap crenelation and fill in the blank spot in the middle of the flashlight, but i think that's the only change i'd make.

i think the best thing about this logo is that it doesn't look like it's trying too hard. simple is good. you don't want it to be like the "Microsoft iPod"

Honesty, any rendition of a stick guy logo doesn't look you're trying too hard

It's not like spontaneous stick guy logos (or freehand logos) haven't been done before. There's nothing wrong with a little creative elaboration on an already spontaneous concept. Have some fun with it! ;)

Just beware of what the Office of Government Commerce went through.

and that paper is in bed with the government.

Please don't ask me to explain the allusions here.

It is a very good idea to check logos very, very carefully.

I wonder if I ever would have caught that on my own

I did. Which may say something about my mind...

And here's another. NSFW. At least the comments are.


I saw it when I made it, but well, just uploaded it anyway :P.

I actually did it without noticing but robo caught it

me nothing. JohnnyMac caught that first.

ROFL! I caught that one just reading the article without even looking at the logo.

Gives me a great idea for a sarcasm emotion when I thing someone is being a jerk off...

Yeah...yeah... OGC


I really like this one. The only thing I would change would be to make the light rays a little thicker so they show up better.