Bluzie's Fantastic Beamshot Collection at TLF

I had a nice PM from new BLF member ‘Bluzie’ asking about Group Buy information on the X6/X5. Bluzie is a prominent member of TLF (taschenlampen-forum), and indicated that the lights would be used in his Beamshot Collection here.

Forgive me if this has previously been posted, but I have not seen this before. Check it out, folks!

Thank you, Bluzie, for an amazing resource and obviously a labor of love! :slight_smile:

2 Thanks

Another member had steered me toward his shots a while back. I didnt even think about a link…

Bluzie- thanks for all your work and I really like that you even include “regular” lights like you can buy at Aldi….

Krono, another good resource, thanks!

1 Thank

Ah yes, the “garden center” shots, as I call them. Used that for comparisons many times. It’s a fantastic resource. As I’m not a member at tlf I’ll take this opportunity to says a big “THANK YOU!” to Bluzie, and welcome to blf!

G'Day Krono, & Bluzie,

Yes, that Is a Superb resource that I bookmarked about 2-3 months ago.

Thank you Very Much,


Gob smacked. Anyone here think they have a problem? Bluzie what do I say. Amazing effort.

great , restless work done !

thanks bluzie! :beer:

Thank you for the friendly welcome Guys.

@krono: Thank you for the posting on the right place.

@ReManG: You know Aldi. :open_mouth: :slight_smile:

I am not alone, we are many Flashys in the Beamshot Team.

If you are interested i will post some News in this Thread.

Welcome aboard!! :slight_smile:

Wow!! Fantastic job!

Welcome aboard Bluzie! Amazing collection of beamshots you got there, please visit BLF more often to share your great work and contributions to the flashaholic community

:beer: :crown: :beer:

Have a nice time here, Bluzie!

Today my friend Galeodes came to visit me with some MT-G2 Lights.

29 Meter to the end of the Glass-Hous.


The MH20CW is a Light for Referenz.

Nitecore MH20 CW

EagTac SX25L3

Fenix TK35UE

Nitecore EC4SW

Nitecore P36

Klarus G30

Fenix PD40

Niwalker MM15 Akkus unprotected

Thank you Galeodes. :beer:


Thanks Bluzie- I love beamshots taken in the same location. That gives you a true comparison (and makes you want more lights!)


Beautiful shots, thanks for sharing! I just love MT-G2s

great shots!

thanks a lot!


Yesterday my friend Galeodes visit me.
He brings me up some Olight S1.

From left to right:
Brass coated, …Brass raw,… Rose Gold,… Copper raw silver, … Copper raw blue,… Titan polished,… Titan matt, …Alu

Weight of the Lights.
Br 64,5 gr,…… Br 61,5 gr, …Cu R.G.65,0 gr, …. Cu 64,9 gr, … Cu 64,9 gr, … Ti 37,0 gr, …… Ti 36,4 gr, ……. Al 25,5 gr.

Different colours of light.

Here my S1 were allowed to play also.

Ceiling lighting, a complete soccer Team.

Eleven S1 in Aktion. :slight_smile:


I like the location of all these beamshots. Are you at a nursery?

Love the pics…very creative!

I have the matte Titanium version (2nd from the right), and it is a very nice, compact light.

Wow! What a beautiful collection of lights and amazing photos! Love it!