Your driver should have a spring on it, so button top is not necessary. It accepts a wide range of lengths and a protected button top should fit fine.
Is the end of the main tube bare metal? That’s what contacts the wound spring in the tail cap to complete the circuit. Check to see if it’s screwing down enough. I can turn my tail cap just a little to lock it out since the threads are anodized. I get a small confirmation blink from the led when the cap is screwed all the way down and battery contact is first made.
One way to check if it’s an issue with the tailcap is to bridge the end of the battery and the body tube with something conductive, rather than using the tailcap.
If the light operates as expected while doing so, it’s a contact issue there.
Should the body tube not reach the metal contacts in the tailcap even when fully screwed in, perhaps you could lift up that spring/contact piece by placing a metal/plastic disc under it?
Or if you push down your battery and find it cannot sit below or at least flush with the edge of the light, you may need a shorter battery.
There have been versions of these lights that have been known to have these issues . the answer is just to tighten up the end caps fully .
Clean lube and fully tighten solves the problem . Using a paper clip to bridge the end of the cell and the edge of the body ..if the light works like that then you know the problem is in the tailcap or the connection to the body to the tailcap . Simple .
Here's a link to a $8.99 D25 on sale on amazon right now
Today I wanted to finish my mod with this headlamp (because I waited over 3 months for my convoy h1 driver to arrive).
I sanded the triple SST-20 3500k led (and spacers and optics to correct size).
Baked the light to a nice brown color
Created spacer for the e-switch
When I thought I was finished my project the driver said poof
The silicone wire from driver to led shorted out in the battery compartment. I will now abandon the project, because I think it’s a really bad host when led wires are inside a battery compartment. Lessons learned, I will not burn my house down with this host.
I’m going to get one and put a nice LED in it, as a beater and for close-up soldering work and whatnot. I didn’t realize they were this cheap. It’s still only $7 from the online shop I usually buy from. That’s ridiculous!