Hi, I’m in the middle of nowhere without any decent light to find a BAT in an outdoor garage that is freaking me out
All I have with me is a cheap maybe 40 lumen AAA mini light and my cell phone. Sigh.
After digging through Amazon fake reviews last night I thought one of you might just know the answer. I asked this question elsewhere and got zero response.
I just want bright and cheap. I don’t care about looks, durability, tacticalness, or anything else but bright throw. I just want to get it from Amazon because they deliver where I am. Would prefer 18650 because I have a few of those with me now as well as a charger.
I want to try to spot the evil demon inside the garage from as far away outside as possible.
No I don’t want to spend “a little more” I want cheap, less than $15 please? Maybe $16.
To switch subjects….hey, leave the bat alone. They are beneficial and eat millions of bugs.
I wish they would be around my house, but too far from water.
The rabies thing is massively over blown.
They will avoid you just fine. They don’t get in your hair. In fact, they are damn hard to catch.
Cute too, it a creepy-leather sort of way.
FWIW, a ‘pure’ thrower may allow you to spot it from far away, but will likely work poorly to track if flying and at closer distance. Some generous spill would be better for that.
The ’502 is a fine host, and you can use the pill for whatever you want (emitter/driver). Or get a better drop-in.
That said, just build a proper bat-house (like a bird-house, only for bats), away from the garage. You can use scraps of wood and find instructions online. Bats are incredibly useful at eating bad bugs, etc.
I would GLADLY leave the STUPID BAT alone if it would leave ME alone. It’s constantly swooping at my head, and theoretically if it touches me I’m supposed to get rabies treatment. Screw that. I also ordered an ultrasonic bat repeller, so when I find where the bat hangs out I’ll put the repeller very close. If that doesn’t work, extreme, though sad measures may be necessary.
I went to a local ‘bat club’ in the hopes of getting information about bat houses, placement, care, etc.
They were great. Good info, but learned that I was simply too far away from water to likely have bats in my neighborhood. In 35 years I’ve never seen a single one circling a street light. 1 1/2 miles away a large local park on a lake + re-claimed wetland ponds has bat-houses installed around the wetlands area.