I am glad you see the possibility sorry the Jexree Mini is the best host i have found yet, but i am always searching for something better.
Most lights that is in this size have often been glued together in various ways or have had a bad hollow shelf or even plastic pill design, the Jexree Mini have been really easy to mod and have a proper shelf for the mcpcb, the only downside with it really if i am going to be very picky is because every part is dismantlable ,head from lens side & driver side & even the bottom spring is accessible, the twisty grip is a bit short so if you don’t lube it up properly the twisty action can be less than perfect, but everything else is almost ideal so as i started with it is the best i have found for now.
Vinh’s eo5ssvn & DBCstm’s Texas Poker & some inspiring mod work that djozz did on the same host as the Jexree Mini, was the reason i wanted something that small & powerful.
I thought of buying the eo5ssvn but i wanted to learn how to do something similar & hopefully better myself and the eo5ssvn option D for $85 i felt was to much money for something i could create for 12-13$, 5$ for the host (EDIT i just found out it cost more now, 3 for $14 or 1 for $10 ) & 6-7$ for what i believe is a much nicer selection of possible warmer hues in the XP-L V6 3C, 3D at Hank’s, 3A at LEDDNA or if you like CW both those sellers have those now (Vinh says the option D is 5700K so i think he uses the XP-L V6 2C) unfortunately my current favorite the V6 3D tint is sold out everywhere for now.
And the stainless steel host has much worse heatsinking than a aluminum host, i think it’s because it’s SS he says it is for 2min burst only, and the eo5ssvn option D is only in one mode and i knew i wanted some nice modes in the future & a good reason to learn how to build drivers & tune firmwares.
I have used it when running at night in the winter from 4,17v to 3,3v in one long 10-12min stretch, and it got hot real hot but because it was so cold outside it was actually very nice but it didn’t break and i think the battery runs down the volt fast enough that it basically can’t self destruct, but if it did i can still build 5 new ones for the money i saved
But of course if i had such a disposable income, i would also like to collect fully modded & tricked out Vinh monster lights, like i see some do but for now i got more extra time than money and a desire to learn something new, so a flashlight modding hobby fits perfectly :bigsmile: